Ever since 2018, these two freaks of nature in Sidney, Austria has been celebrated by the woke left community as an example of how homosexuality is a "thing" even in nature and has inspired children worldwide to learn about ungodly things like progress, compassion, acceptance, and respect for diversity. Well, God just snuffed one of them out, it happened to be just 1 year before the expected maximum age of penguins in captivity but clearly this is a sign from God that even among animals, the homosexual deathstyle choice only leads to death and misery in the end, a lesson to be taught and learnt. Some may say it was due to old age, but why then did it happen one year before the expected maximum age? Sphen the sodomite penguin who would have been polar bear food in the wild, is no more, has ceased to be, has kicked the bucket, has run down the curtain. Something worthy of celebration, SHOUT GLORY!