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  • Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

    Since the beginning of the balonavirus "crisis", the media has tried to browbeat Christians with the claim that churches are hotspots of viral spread. Now the numbers are in. A study shows that entering a house of worship multiplies your chance of infection not double, not five, ten, or a dozen times, but 16 times!

    Well, so what?

    Who cares?

    Not the Landover Baptist Church!

    Remember that the survival rate of this "deadly disease" is 99%. Should you be counted among the unlucky few that actually manage to die from this thing, you were almost certainly on death's door to begin with whether you knew it or not. For the rest of us, it's little more than a mild cold. Indeed, millions test positive without ever experiencing a single symptom, a fact that casts doubt on the very existence of this so-called pandemic.

    But what if the near-impossible somehow happens, and you die of COVID-19?

    It doesn't matter.

    Really, don't even worry about it. Your lungs may feel like they're full of tar, you may be too weak to open your eyes, but if you're a True Christian and you know your place in Heaven is secure, you'll be rejoicing even as you choke out your last breath. Because death is temporary. It's what happens afterwards, and where your soul ends up, that should be of concern.

    Matthew 10:28
    And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    It is an act of obscenely blasphemous arrogance and immense idiocy to elevate the wellbeing of your earthly body over your immortal soul.

    Let me be clear about this: if the virus is in fact real, and behaves the way we are told it does, then there is a terrific chance that you will catch it at one of our services. We take no precautions against it. Masks of any kind are banned have always been banned as they provide concealment for profane mutterings. "Social distancing" is also frowned upon as contrary to the spirit of Christian fellowship.

    We even have members of our congregation with active infections. They're coughing, they're hacking, they're spewing spittle everywhere. Why? Because they're shouting Glory to God! (Really, try to make a joyful noise unto the Lord without letting a few drops fly. You will find it quite difficult.) They deserve to be among us as much as anyone else.

    If having the coronavirus raging unchecked inside your body is the apple of your eye, so to speak, you could do no better than to pay us a visit at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.

    And you should do so.

    Because that's also the best way to ensure that you go to Heaven instead of Hell. Which is pretty important, isn't it?

    I speak for every Christian I know when I say that I would rather go to church, contract the virus, AND DIE... than stay home. Even if staying home meant that I could have avoided infection. Even if skipping just one service could keep me safe.

    I wouldn't do it.

    Nor should you.

    Because if you put the health of your body before your duty to God, you will soon find yourself with much, MUCH bigger problems than a microscopic virus.

  • #2
    Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

    Excellent points, Sister!

    There's another argument that can be made to support your thesis. Going to church during the pandemic and subsequently dying is a bit like martyrdom: dying for (and because of) your righteous belief in God, Jesus, worldwide flood, and unicorns. What can be more noble that dying for the One True Faith? Although people dying of Covid can't have that little moment of dignity that martyr Stephen had (Acts 7:60), as I believe it's difficult to cry with a loud voice when one is intubated.
    God created fossils to test our faith.

    * * *

    My favorite LBC sermons:
    True Christians are Perfect!
    True Christian™ Love.
    Salvation™ made Easy!
    You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe the Old Testament.
    Jesus is impolite. Deal with it.
    Jesus is xenophobic and so should we.
    Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept.
    Biblical view on modern-day slavery.
    The Immorality of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
    Geneva Conventions vs. The Holy Bible.
    God HATES Rational Thinking!
    True Christian™ Man as a spitting image of God.


    • #3
      Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

      Having been blessed with Covid-19 myself, I could not agree more. Dying of Covid-19 is a great wat to prove to Jesus that you can suffer enough to deserve entrance to Heaven. Unfortunately I didn't die yet, but I am certain my suffering has please The Lord as God likes nothing more than suffering people.

      Romans 5:3-4 "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."
      5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!
      To most "Christians" The Bible is like a license agreement. They just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree". All those "Christians" will burn in Hell!
      James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."


      • #4
        Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

        The general public gets so mixed up about priorities. Church, at least Landover Baptist, guides them to an eternity in heaven. Note the word eternity. Skip church and spend eternity burning in hell? Who would do that.

        Now going to church and getting the Coronavirus, that's either a few days of being sick or you die and go the heaven. Neither of them is as bad as eternity in hell.

        Some clear thinking will guide one to the right choice.
        Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


        • #5
          Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

          Originally posted by Virginia Day Templeton View Post
          Remember that the survival rate of this "deadly disease" is 99%. Should you be counted among the unlucky few that actually manage to die from this thing, you were almost certainly on death's door to begin with whether you knew it or not. For the rest of us, it's little more than a mild cold. Indeed, millions test positive without ever experiencing a single symptom, a fact that casts doubt on the very existence of this so-called pandemic.

          We even have members of our congregation with active infections. They're coughing, they're hacking, they're spewing spittle everywhere. Why? Because they're shouting Glory to God! (Really, try to make a joyful noise unto the Lord without letting a few drops fly. You will find it quite difficult.) They deserve to be among us as much as anyone else.
          Oh, how very true this is, dear Sister Templeton. Amen! Why, your fine words of encouragement have reminded me of hearing Reverend John Hagee this week, declaring that the had given him victory over that covid Chinese flu. I'll include a video clip where the reverend gives his testimonial. Like you've said, Reverend Hagee claims he has the Glory of . Now, in these trying times, what could be better than that? Can any of us ask for anything better? No? I didn't think so. Really, what is a puny little virus compared to the Majesty of the ? We know that our Redeemer liveth and He reigneth supreme!

          Isaiah 44:6 "Thus saith the the King of Israel, and his redeemer the of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no ."

          Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
          Skip church and spend eternity burning in hell? Who would do that. Now going to church and getting the Coronavirus, that's either a few days of being sick or you die and go the heaven. Neither of them is as bad as eternity in hell. Some clear thinking will guide one to the right choice.
          My goodness; yes, indeed, dear Brother Mayor Hold! And if one becomes ill with that silly covid flu, all they have to do is to turn to for healing. Just as Reverend Hagee has done, all that is needed is for one to touch the hem of garment, to be wholly healed!

          Mark 6:56 "And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought that they might touch if it were but the border of garment: and as many as touched were made whole."

          And to Almighty goes the
          (Mrs.) Isabella White

          Hebrews 10:19 " Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the of "


          • #6
            Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

            I've been away for a while but my sentiments and beliefs have never been stronger. This is one of the biggest cons in modern history but as my namesake implies soon it will be time to put up or shut up, I don't know how long before it starts and you're right, I don't care. GLORY TO GOD!!


            • #7
              Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

              Was it not Jesus who went maskless among the lepers? That is how I feel when going to Church and wandering around supermarkets and political rallies. Yes, I am shunned for being in contact with the unwashed, the diseased and infected but I know I am on the path of Jesus.

              Matthew 8:3 And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
              And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
              If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


              • #8
                Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

                Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
                Was it not Jesus who went maskless among the lepers? That is how I feel when going to Church and wandering around supermarkets and political rallies. Yes, I am shunned for being in contact with the unwashed, the diseased and infected but I know I am on the path of Jesus.
                This morning at Landover Baptist Church we heard the Christmas story and celebrated the birth of Jesus. What a wonderful time we had. And, no masks in site. If several get sick later, what does it matter? The important task was accomplished.
                Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                • #9
                  Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

                  Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
                  This morning at Landover Baptist Church we heard the Christmas story and celebrated the birth of Jesus. What a wonderful time we had. And, no masks in site. If several get sick later, what does it matter? The important task was accomplished.
                  How wonderful. We did have one incident during the Christmas service at Podunk Bible Baptist. A parishioner walked in with a mask on like a bank robber or Muslim terrorist and promptly had a dozen concealed carry pistols pointed square at her head. The potential security threat was unmasked as the Widow Sawyer. She shrieked that she doesn't want to catch COVID and die. Old hag may as well have turned up wearing a Biden/Harris shirt, and I told her as much. Some of the young men in the congregation hauled her off the premises. Apparently there was some kicking involved. After that was over, we could finally hear the heartwarming story of the Baby Jesus in peace.

                  The true virus is sin and nonbelief, and it must not be allowed to spread. The good news is we've already got a 100% effective, readily available vaccine:
                  I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore,
                  Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
                  But the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry,
                  From the waters lifted me, now safe am I!


                  • #10
                    Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

                    What exactly is the big fuss over Covid 19 if it is just a flu bug? As for masks, social distancing, and the like. I agree. Like all of you, I don't buy into the nonsense.




                    • #11
                      Re: Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!

                      Churches spread the virus like wildfire. Do we care? NO!
                      And there is a reason why. Satan is very active in these last days. The Bible describes him as like a lion roaring, looking around for something alive to rip up and chew on. Christians are top of his list so when we see butchers attacking God's children we can identify the devil at work. Not just obviously malignant creeds do this, God assures us that even family members get in on the act but – and it's an important but – we are safe.
                      Luke 21:16-18 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. But there shall not an hair of your head perish.
                      To what extent is a virus different from a toxic grandmother? A double-crossing second cousin? How they killed you is surely trivial once you're deceased! That is why God made it clear that not one hair of your head shall perish. So often the moaning Minnies grind us down with the gloom and despondency of their own condition. That is nothing more than sedition against the Kingdom of Heaven, directly contradicting God.
                      I Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
                      Originally posted by Virginia Day Templeton View Post
                      Really, don't even worry about it. Your lungs may feel like they're full of tar, you may be too weak to open your eyes, but if you're a True Christian and you know your place in Heaven is secure, you'll be rejoicing even as you choke out your last breath. Because death is temporary. It's what happens afterwards, and where your soul ends up, that should be of concern.

                      Matthew 10:28
                      And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
                      This brings us to so-called "Churches" where God's advice is disregarded. Not only do they fret over contracting virus of a single hair but of the whole body! We know that is impossible (Jesus has promised) and that destruction of the body occurs in hell (Jesus has explained) so what remains to care about at all? Are they saying God is telling lies? If that's what they think they should say so – but then they can't really call themselves a Church due to the foundational tenet that God not only created the universe but knows all about it and is not only capable of saving us but has promised to do so. Once the principle of God being a liar is admitted the option of being part of His congregation flies out the window. Nowhere God and Jesus are held in such low esteem, where people care what happens, even care if they die in agony or are betrayed by kinsfolk to be executed, can really be considered a Church.

                      Fortunately for us, God is always consistent and we cast our care upon Him.

