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  • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

    Hello, I am Portuguese,

    I was shown this thread by a friend and I could not help but be frustrated and completely shocked. You above all know it brings you no good to judge others, there's probably a 100 quotes from the bible saying that, and yet you completely shame our country just because someone who claims has a "high IQ" had come visit us.
    Well you probably know I could have said pretty much the same about your country if I visited Alabama, but no. I've actually been in the US to New York (yes we can travel) and I've enjoyed it even though I met more international people than real US citizens (yeah black dudes you like hating).
    What hurts me more is you call yourselves better than us. What kind of childish mind do you have? You try to get people into christianity by being the complete opposite of what a christian is supposed to be? "God bless you" hipocrits! How can you americans consider yourselves better than us when almost half your population is obese because of the great food you claim you have? I'm sorry you don't appreciate good food, I've been to the US, UK, Spain, France and I've never found any better food than ours. Although I actually understand you on Mcdonalds, when I went to the US I only ate that because your food is even greasier and worse than Mcdonalds'.
    What is wrong someone leading you to a catholic church? Have you no interest in history? Have you no interest in the beggining of your own religion? I'm an atheist and I admire catholic churchs' architecture. Or have you no sense of art in you? How can you hope to listen and feel God, a perfect being, when you cant feel art and its' near-God perfection?
    I'm sorry I've been shown this thread. I had nothing against "Americans" (US citizens) as you like to call yourselves (Lords of America?), but now I can only feel disgust, to know that there are still people like you in this world. I have never seen so much hate and racism in one thread except on 4chan /b/, but atleast I can know they're joking there. But here? I can tell how serious and convicted you are on what you're saying.
    It's just ridiculous that you think you're pure and worthy of going to your heaven (don't get me wrong I'm atheist, not catholic), when you express yourselves like this.

    I'm sorry to live in a world with people like you.


    • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

      Originally posted by María Gálvez-Villalobos View Post
      Are you crazy??!
      You went in Portugal in vacation when you have SPAIN and beutifull Alicante next it!!!?

      Weather - better
      Food - better
      People - better
      Girls - nicer
      Men - (OK they're all sex-obsesionate perverteds but you're no ineterst in them anyway so we just ignore this OK?)
      Beahces - better
      Sport - better, we World Champions and THEY got Cristiano Ronaldo, gayman.

      Drunk Britishs? - we keep them all in a big zoo/thematic Park called Benidorm.

      I think you have learn you lesson, yes?

      YIC, Mari.


      • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

        You are a bunch of idiots, with your head so much up your religious ass you can't see reality even if it hits you in the head with a Bible.

        I have never read anything so ridiculous in my life.


        • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

          Originally posted by Colombo View Post
          you should read the bible, is that all you have to say for yourself? Why do´nt you read anithing else?
          I once read a book called "The Man from Nazareth", but it wasn't as good a read as the Bible (KJV1611), so I've never bothered since.
          "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
          John 8:32


          • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

            Originally posted by Proudtuguese View Post
            You are a bunch of idiots, with your head so much up your religious ass you can't see reality even if it hits you in the head with a Bible.

            I have never read anything so ridiculous in my life.
            Tell me, what part of the Holy Bible did you find ridiculous? And why?
            "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
            John 8:32


            • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

              Originally posted by Brother Helge View Post
              Tell me, what part of the Holy Bible did you find ridiculous? And why?
              Sir, I'm terribly sorry but you just can't read. He's talking about the thread not the bible! And please educate yourself a little open your mind for the world out there. There are alot of books worth reading. Perhaps that will bring some sense to you.


              • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                Originally posted by tonaspt View Post
                Hello, I am a dirty degenerate Portuguese heathen,

                Yackity yack yack

                I'm sorry to live in a world with people like you.
                Don't worry, not long from now you'll be in hell and we'll be in heaven - then we'll be separated. Happy?

                Leviticus 10:10 And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean;

                Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
                -Every young man's battle - PORN AND MASTURBATION![/SIZE]
                -DISOWN your ATHEIST children - just like this good mother did!!

                -FINALLY!! Some rights for the rapists!!
                -There is no such thing as animal abuse!!
                -Pregnancy through RAPE is a GIFT from God
                -Keep the Fags out of the Boy Scouts!!
                -WIVES!! Stay in your abusive relationship!

                STOP, DROP & ROLL DOESN'T WORK IN HELL!!!!


                • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics


                  • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                    Originally posted by John Creeser View Post
                    Don't worry, not long from now you'll be in hell and we'll be in heaven - then we'll be separated. Happy?

                    Leviticus 10:10 And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean;

                    Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
                    If there was a place like Hell or Heaven and you were in heaven, I would really prefer going to Hell thank you!
                    And by the way quoting me and changing what I wrote is not much an adult thing is it? Grow up and please stop being so narrow-minded.


                    • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      Is me?
                      Yes, you. Pay attention.

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      ...and just talking about money...if a should remember you you had pretty close massacre in some school in your country...
                      What's a pretty close massacre and what it has to do with just talkin money?

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      so...who is spiritual poor?
                      It's still you, for not knowing God.

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      Don't talk about the world when you don't know nothing about it...
                      That is only your opinion that is based on nothing. What does an opinion of some unsaved trash matter? Nothing. Only opinion of God matters.
                      Come on dummy, start making some sense already.

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      shall i remember you
                      Of course you will remember me. I might as well be the most important person you will ever meet, because I can make you see the truth™ about love of Jesus

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      Do you want a sword to batle the anti-christians out there?
                      We can afford proper guns, but thanks for asking.

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      We did that...guess what..it was one thousand years ago...
                      I have to admit it's always amusing to see you heathens fighting among yourselves.

                      Originally posted by Face-The-Truth View Post
                      ...a long time we left god behind...
                      That's what I've been saying all the time. You are worthless heathens. Only way for you to be saved is to make things right with Jesus. Accept His loved in your black heathen heart and be saved. If you do not accept His love, He will throw you to hell for eternal torment. Just like everyone else who does not accept His love in their hearts.


                      • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                        So.. I was just checking the web when i saw this..
                        it's kinda sad people that people waste so much time talking dirty about a country they never have been to, just because a random jerk did not enjoy his little vacations.

                        oh, and i'm also sad because no one here goes to wikipedia just to know portugal history, and so they know what the hell they're talking about.

                        but no worries, I'll do it for you.

                        "In the 15th and 16th centuries, it ascended to the status of a world power during Europe's "Age of Discovery" as it built up a vast empire including possessions in South America, Africa, Asia and Australasia." (thank you colombo).

                        "Signs of military decline began with two disastrous battles: the Battle of Alcácer Quibir in Morocco in 1578 and Spain's abortive attempt to conquer England in 1588 - Portugal was then in a dynastic union with Spain, and contributed ships to the Spanish invasion fleet.

                        The country was further weakened by the destruction of much of its capital city in a 1755 earthquake, occupation during the Napoleonic Wars and the loss of its largest colony, Brazil, in 1822.

                        From the middle of the 19th century to the late 1950s, nearly two-million Portuguese left Europe to live in Brazil and the United States (U.S.)." (maybe you are 10% portuguese!)

                        "In 1762 France and Spain tried to force Portugal to join the Bourbon Family Compact, by asserting that Britain had become too powerful. Joseph refused to accept this and protested that his 1704 alliance with Britain was no threat.

                        In spring 1762 Spanish troops invaded Portugal from the north as far as the Douro, while a second column captured Almeida and threatened to advance on Lisbon. The arrival of a force of British troops helped Portugal, blocking the Spanish advance and driving them back across the border following the Battle of Valencia de Alcántara. At the Treaty of Paris in 1763 Spain agreed to hand back Almeida to Portugal."

                        I could go on, but I think that's enough. At least I'm glad if you spent your precious time learning a little history.

                        But I still have some things to say.

                        Portugal is not poor, we're on a crisis just like any other country could be.
                        we're not dumb, we know where we came from and we never get tired of teaching you new stuff.

                        we're not mexican nor spanish. we have our own language, thank you.

                        we're not lazy, or rude, or ugly, or whatever the title says, you must be ignorant if you truly believe that.

                        and since this is a religious forum, and i see people here saying we don't know God and stuff, please, just open a book about religion, or mythology, or history book, or just go watch Life of Pi for example. Maybe you'll learn something about religion and countries.
                        Just think before you speak.

                        It's useless to say that this conversation does not belong to a forum like this, where people that claim themselves of being so "christian" are talking this way about their own "brothers". After all, we wall live on the same planet.
                        It's just sad.


                        • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                          Originally posted by Proudtuguese View Post
                          And Swiss-born Greek nutcase that uses aliens to explain anything signifies what (aside from the fact that you need more reputable sources)?


                          • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                            "It's still you, for not knowing God."

                            Do YOU know God, Alphonse? He whispers at you when you sleep? You know nothing but what they lead you to believe. It's just as a child who see's the boogieman.

                            "That is only your opinion that is based on nothing. What does an opinoin of some unsaved trash matter? Nothing. Only opinion of God matters.
                            Come on dummy, start making some sense already."

                            That's right our opinion doesn't matter, but guess what at least we live our lives freely and happy, knowing that in the end all your efforts are in vain because it all ends the same way. Emptiness. Nothingness. Just live with it, someday everything will just disappear, you wont even notice it coming, you won't be able to do anything and your god won't appear. If only you had conscience to think of all the wasted time you could have done something decent in your lives. Face the truth. Death is death. It's the end. Religion is just a way to live by avoiding that fact, and a complete waste of time.

                            "Of course you will remember me. I might as well be the most important person you will ever meet, because I can make you see the truth™ about love of Jesus"

                            You can't make anyone see the truth, only that person can see it with his own eyes.

                            "We can afford proper guns, but thanks for asking."

                            Good thing you're rich and have guns to kill children in schools when you think your "god abandoned you". I'm just afraid of what you can do when you really see the truth about the world. Guns make you strong? Good. Be a criminal and kill the "heathens" then. I'd very much like your face in jail.

                            "I have to admit it always amusing to see you heathens fighting among yourselves."

                            We fight among ourselves? Look at you religious people! Every war in the world happened because of you or money! You are the cancer in this world! Your notion of Jesus or God, (whatever is your god, sometimes you mistake one for another but oh well I'm used to it) would be ashamed of you if he existed.

                            "That's what I've been saying all the time. You are worthless heathens. Only way for you to be saved is to make things right with Jesus. Accept His loved in your black heathen heart and be saved. If you do not accept His love, He will throw you to hell for eternal torment. Just like everyone else who does not accept His love in their hearts."

                            Remember. In the end we're just dust. Keep in mind that, and stop avoiding the reality.


                            • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                              Originally posted by tonaspt View Post
                              Do YOU know God, Alphonse?
                              Of course.

                              Originally posted by tonaspt View Post
                              He whispers at you when you sleep?
                              Don't be stupid. Unlike you, I have no hallucinations. He gave us His perfect word, KJV bible. Start reading it today and you can learn to know God as well. You are not beyond hope yet.


                              • Re: Portuguese people, lazy, rude, ugly, drug selling catlics

                                My opinion: Put the bible down. The world its outside your window. Live a little.

