For some time, I've worried we are not obtaining as many death bed conversions as we should.
Those conversions are out there. It's just a matter of reaching people when they are semi concious and drugged but are not yet dead.
There are a couple of ideas I've been working. One is to have a crack team available 24/7. We would speed volunteers to area hospitals whenever the opportunity for a death bed victory presented itself.
I've also been asking around about to see if technology could help us. My thinking is that we could have a taped message that was triggered by a STAT alarm. The recording could ask the patient several times, "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?"
We can assume many friends would be made for Landover Baptist Church and Freehold. Christian relatives would be greatful.
My thinking is we are on the cusp of a breakthrough in the number of these death bed conversions. Thank you for your support.
Johny Joe Hold
Those conversions are out there. It's just a matter of reaching people when they are semi concious and drugged but are not yet dead.
There are a couple of ideas I've been working. One is to have a crack team available 24/7. We would speed volunteers to area hospitals whenever the opportunity for a death bed victory presented itself.
I've also been asking around about to see if technology could help us. My thinking is that we could have a taped message that was triggered by a STAT alarm. The recording could ask the patient several times, "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?"
We can assume many friends would be made for Landover Baptist Church and Freehold. Christian relatives would be greatful.
My thinking is we are on the cusp of a breakthrough in the number of these death bed conversions. Thank you for your support.
Johny Joe Hold