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  • Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

    Here is some questions for the scientific theocrats of the Darwinist Gestapo to try and answer;

    Account for the missing land sharks
    If we evolved from fish, why haven’t sharks, who according to your theory predate us, evolved into land animals and are hunting us?

    Explain floods on Mars with out the Great Flood of the Bible
    If Noah’s flood didn’t happen then how do explain the evidence of a great flood on Mars?[/

    Account for fools
    If evolution is survival of the fittest then how do explain the continued survival of unsuccessful groups of stupid humans?

    Explain why human's aren't perfect
    If we are evolving why don’t we have third arms now?

    Explain infant murder
    If we are evolved to nature our young then how do you secular humanist explain your groups pathological desire to kill yours with abortions?

    Why no bodies?
    If humanity was roughly a million people living at one time. If the human race is 150,000 years old like you maintain that means there have been 150,000,000,000 who lived before the current era. If each corpse takes up 3 by 6 feet then that means the remains of human ancestors cover 1350 billion square feet of the earth! Why are we not buried under the remains of 150 billion people?

    Were do angels and demons fit into the Evolutionist tree of life?

    Please explain the earliest common ancestor with all animals, angles and demons. What is their ancestry and transitional form?

    Explain talking snake in the garden threw evolution.
    Please tell me when serpents lost the power of speech and the process with which it happened. Please include any fossil of impaired speech snakes.

    Explain the Loch Ness Monster threw evolution.
    I find it hard to believe that a whole species can sustain itself from so few individuals as observed in Loch Ness. Sounds like a hole in your theory to me

    If evolution is true, then why don't trees stretch up to the stratosphere?
    Scientists say that trees grow taller and taller because natural selection forces them to compete for light with other trees. However, they have supposedly had hundreds of millions of years to evolve, but the tallest tree in the world is a mere 370 feet tall.

    If evolution were true, we should be living in pitch dark, because the entire troposphere would be encased in a big sheet of tree leaves. Asked by Pastor Billy-Rueben

    Why don't we act like monkeys
    If we are evolved from monkeys why do we behave like them; service our selves constantly an throw our feces about? Asked by Eight or Better

    Why are there still monkey?

    Evolution predicts the stronger species (humans) would crush and exterminate the weaker species(monkeys) it evolved from. Asked by ChristianSoldier

    Please account for quick extinctions.
    According to evolution theory it takes millions of years for a species to go extinct. Yet we have examples of species dying out in a few hunderd years like the Dodo. Please account for this.

    Were are ancestors and fossilizes remains of the dragon, satyr and unicorn?

    I would say the lack of fossils for these three creatures presents a clear gap in the record.

    Why are no human ancestors mentioned in The Bible?

    The very fact that Neandertals, Homo-Erectuces are not mentioned in The Bible proves they are made up. I mean you would think God would have mentioned them 6,000 years ago when He wrote The Bible. duh.

    Explain wasps with evolution.
    Wasp paralyze spiders and then implant their young in them to feed on living, but helpless insect. If evolution was true them spiders would have anti-wasp poison in their blood. But they don’t. The only way you can get such a horrific death as those countless spiders suffer is threw the power of God.

    How could Cain could procreate with his sisters if evolution was true?
    If can was getting busy with his sister like The Bible relates then the human race should be a race of inbreed deformities like the English Royal Family. Instead we see the general population is healthy. This can only happen if Cain and his sister were of the pure first generation after Adam not corrupted by sins yet.

    The Genealogy of Henry III
    The "Evidence From Genealogy" display, donated by Edgar Nurnberg, is one of the more favorite displays of our visitors. These scrolls from the Lambeth Palace in England trace the genealogy of King Henry the 6th back to Adam and Eve.
    Asked by Heathen Basher 8/18/09

    Unicorn Horns
    What so-called "evoloutionary role" does the horn on a unicorn play? I was taught evolutionary theory, and I can't figure it out! Asked by H. Montague Worthington's 8/24/09

    Transitional fossils for single celled organism.
    The Darwinists would have us believe that life evolved from single-celled organisms to more complicated forms. If that's true, then we should expect to see intermediaries between organisms with one cell and organisms with millions/billions/trillions of cells, but that's exactly what we don't see. Where are all the two-celled organisms that we should see if evolution was true? Where are all the five-celled organisms or twelve-celled organisms? Are we supposed to believe that 50 million amoebas randomly assembled into a fully formed flatworm by chance? Asked by Pastor Billy-Reuben. 8/25/09

    Why is there still mud?
    Darwinists claim that life originate in mud. If you really believe that a big pile of mud turned into a fish, which sprouted legs and arms and turned into monkeys, which turned into human beings, then you're more stupid than I thought. For a start, if that's true, why's there still mud around, and why do babies not have tails like monkeys when they're born? Asked by Rachel Pierce 11/4/09

    Why don't chemicals think?
    If our brains are just a mishmash of biochemistry, how come chemicals like gasoline or bug spray can't think? Rev. Jim Osborne 1/11/10

    Why don't we have natural clothing?
    People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years. Why haven't our bodies evolved natural clothes that come out of our skin then? Rev. Jim Osborne 1/11/10

    What was the "evolutionary advantage" of Adam's extra rib?
    Why do women have an extra rib than men like the Bible tells us. asked by Virginia D. Templeton 6/8/07

    What is the evolutionary advantage of demonic possession
    Please explain how demonic possesions humans, horses, dogs and pigs helps them to be a more successful species. asked by Virginia D. Templeton 6/8/07

    Do you believe that Jesus was more primitive and less "fit" than today's slugs and worms?
    Christ earthly ministery was 2,000 years ago, a more primitive time than now. asked by Virginia D. Templeton 6/8/07

    What did the rocks and lightning evolve from?
    According to evolutionary theory, all life evolved out of rocks and lightning,Please show the evolutionary linage and transitional forums for rocks and lighting. asked by Virginia D. Templeton 6/8/07

    Please show the disorder inherent in evolution
    Scientific "laws" regarding thermodynamics and entropy say that things go from ordered to disordered. ?]How do you explain evolution in light of this. asked by Virginia D. Templeton 6/8/07

    Where are those transitional forms???
    asked by Virginia D. Templeton 6/8/07

    Well evolutionist, please give it your best shot. Even one question will be helpful. I look forward to your answers.
    Last edited by Bobby-Joe; 01-04-2012, 04:34 PM. Reason: List update 1/3/12

    Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

    Hot Must ReadThreads!

    Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!

  • #2
    Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

    Originally posted by Bobby-Joe View Post
    Here is some questions for the scientific theocrats of the Darwinist Gestapo to try and answer;
    • If we evolved from fish, why haven’t sharks, who according to your theory predate us, evolved into land animals and are hunting us?
    Different species evolve differently.
    • If Noah’s flood didn’t happen then how do explain the evidence of a great flood on Mars?
    What evidence of a flood on Mars? And even if there had been, why would evidence of a flood on Mars prove The Flood on Earth?
    • If evolution is survival of the fittest then how do explain the continued survival of unsuccessful groups of stupid humans?
    • If we are evolving why don’t we have third arms now?
    Evolution does not work according to the will of the organism, nor can specific mutations be predicted.
    • If we are evolved to nature our young then how do you secular humanist explain your groups pathological desire to kill yours with abortions?
    Our species as a whole is evolved to nurture our young, but that does not mean that every individual wants to (or should have) young.
    • If humanity was roughly a million people living at one time. If the human race is 150,000 years old like you maintain that means there have been 150,000,000,000 who lived before the current era. If each corpse takes up 3 by 6 feet then that means the remains of human ancestors cover 1350 billion square feet of the earth! Why are we not buried under the remains of 150 billion people?
    Scavengers. Decomposition. Cremation.
    Well evolutionist, I am waiting.
    Your wait is over.
    Now that Obama has won the election there will be big black cock for every white woman!!!


    • #3
      Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

      I wanted to take a go at this as well.

      Originally posted by Bobby-Joe View Post
      Here is some questions for the scientific theocrats of the Darwinist Gestapo to try and answer;
      • If we evolved from fish, why haven’t sharks, who according to your theory predate us, evolved into land animals and are hunting us?
      As stated by the previous member, different species evolve differently.
      • If Noah’s flood didn’t happen then how do explain the evidence of a great flood on Mars?
      I also was going to ask where is this evidence, and how would that prove anything in relation to Earth?
      • If evolution is survival of the fittest then how do explain the continued survival of unsuccessful groups of stupid humans?
      Not just luck. People continue to survive because of medical research and improvements, which save countless lives that would otherwise die off.
      • If we are evolving why don’t we have third arms now?
      The person before me continuously seems to have said what I wanted to say anyways, but as he or she said, evolution does work by what someone wants, and mutations are unpredictable.
      • If we are evolved to nature our young then how do you secular humanist explain your groups pathological desire to kill yours with abortions?
      I don't understand where you gather that we have a "pathological desire to kill [ours] with abortions." Just because some are pro-choice does not mean it is a 'desire' for any of us.
      • If humanity was roughly a million people living at one time. If the human race is 150,000 years old like you maintain that means there have been 150,000,000,000 who lived before the current era. If each corpse takes up 3 by 6 feet then that means the remains of human ancestors cover 1350 billion square feet of the earth! Why are we not buried under the remains of 150 billion people?
      Again I agree with the previous poster. Cremation was the first idea that came to my mind, then I also would have said decomposition. The previous poster had another explanation, which I had forgotten, but is correct; scavengers.

      Well evolutionist, I am waiting.
      I'm curious what you are waiting for when all of your questions are rather easily explained, and I would of thought that someone of your position on this forum would have already searched for these answers in the past.
      "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." ~Albert Einstein


      • #4
        Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

        Oooh, this is fun!
        • If humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys and why aren't they transforming into humans?
        • What was the "evolutionary advantage" of Adam's extra rib?
        • How does evolution explain angels, miracles, demon possession, etc.?
        • Do you believe that Jesus was more primitive and less "fit" than today's slugs and worms, since He was on Earth at an earlier time than they were?
        • If all life evolved out of rocks and lightning, what did the rocks and lightning evolve from?
        • Scientific "laws" regarding thermodynamics and entropy say that things go from ordered to disordered. How do you explain evolution in light of this?
        • Where are those transitional forms???


        • #5
          Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

          Originally posted by GuessImHellbound View Post
          As stated by the previous member, different species evolve differently.
          So evolution only works for some species? Evolution is changes brought about by competition. If the prey, fish went to the land to get away from sharks, sharks would have followed them on to land in due course. If evolution was true we should be afraid because sharks camouflaged as lawyers would attack us every time we left our houses.

          Originally posted by GuessImHellbound View Post
          I also was going to ask where is this evidence, and how would that prove anything in relation to Earth?
          Typical Darwinist reply; when dealt with a set back attack the questioner with trivialities like a lack of facts. Fact is never an issue with THE TRUTH™

          I will put that as “unable to answer” .

          Originally posted by GuessImHellbound View Post
          Not just luck. People continue to survive because of medical research and improvements, which save countless lives that would otherwise die off.
          These people are unsuccessful and stupid. This means they are to incompetent to take advantage of medical research or have no access to it. By the laws of your evolution they should die off, not sneak across our borders looking for jobs. I am amazed you liberals aren’t gunning them down because they undermine the central tenant of your faith. Shows you who is the better because we REAL American Conservatives give them jobs.

          That’s call compassion. You should try it sometimes.

          Originally posted by GuessImHellbound View Post
          The person before me continuously seems to have said what I wanted to say anyways, but as he or she or it said, evolution does work by what someone wants, and mutations are unpredictable.

          Oh, so having a third arm would not be an advantage?? If someone had a third arm they would be able two work a third faster and get better jobs. Since you Darwinists claim Panda’s lost and re-grew their thumbs and third arm should be child’s play.

          Originally posted by GuessImHellbound View Post
          Again I agree with the previous poster. Cremation was the first idea that came to my mind, then I also would have said decomposition. The previous poster had another explanation, which I had forgotten, but is correct; scavengers.
          Even if they ate them all assuming an average of 100lbs per person that would be 75 billion tons of human remains in worm guts.

          Face, your answers are weak. Worse they hypothetical because you lack direct observation. That is were we Creationists trump you, we have the ultimate direct observer; God. Now turn your lives over to Jesus.

          Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

          Hot Must ReadThreads!

          Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


          • #6
            Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

            AN EVILutionist told me that he's 33% Daffodil and 98% Chimpanzee. I told him I'm 100% Jesus!
            Jesus - gentle, dependable overnight relief.


            • #7
              Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

              Originally posted by Bobby-Joe View Post

              Typical Darwinist reply; when dealt with a set back attack the questioner with trivialities like a lack of facts. Fact is never an issue with THE TRUTH™

              I will put that as “unable to answer” .

              Typical Christian reply, when stumped just claim it's "the truth."

              Face, your answers are weak. Worse they hypothetical because you lack direct observation. That is were we Creationists trump you, we have the ultimate direct observer; God. Now turn your lives over to Jesus.
              Face, your religious beliefs are weak. You do not "know" this observer, you are not in direct contact with this acclaimed "ultimate direct observer." You have also not proven at all the validity or reasons to believe as you do over science. So why would I turn my life over to Jesus?
              "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." ~Albert Einstein


              • #8
                Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                Sure is, so I'll take a stab at yours as well.

                Originally posted by Virginia D. Templeton View Post
                Oooh, this is fun!
                • If humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys and why aren't they transforming into humans?
                A common misconception, I, at least, do not say that humans evolved from monkeys. They evolved from a common ancestor. In which case, I no longer have to answer your question! Ha
                • What was the "evolutionary advantage" of Adam's extra rib?
                Do you have evidence of Adam's extra rib? Biblical Scripture does not count, though I would guess some sort of extra protection, if it really happened.
                • How does evolution explain angels, miracles, demon possession, etc.?
                Where are these creatures and events? Miracles are simply great events that, at that time, we lacked the scientific knowledge to understand, hence it was luck. Possession is a psychological problem with the human, or an affliction of the brain itself, affecting the person's actions.
                • Do you believe that Jesus was more primitive and less "fit" than today's slugs and worms, since He was on Earth at an earlier time than they were?
                You have turned this into a personal questions by asking "Do you believe?" In which case, I find my personal opinions irrelevant.
                • If all life evolved out of rocks and lightning, what did the rocks and lightning evolve from?
                Rocks and Lightning are not living, so why would they evolve, wouldn't they be natural occurences, since matter is energy. Then you ask where the energy comes from, and we get into a discussion about quantum physics.
                • Scientific "laws" regarding thermodynamics and entropy say that things go from ordered to disordered. How do you explain evolution in light of this?
                If your claim that thermodynamics will not permit the evolution of complex living structures is true, then how do you explain, without resorting to make-believe special mechanisms that have no basis in thermodynamics, the development of a chick in an egg?
                • Where are those transitional forms???
                The lack of transitional forms is due to the low probability of finding a short lived (geologically speaking) organism's fossil. And fossils are created only under very specific conditions.
                Please, at least realize that attacking evolution, even if you could disprove it, would never prove your religious beliefs.

                You guys probably are too narrow-minded to read this, but I'll post this link on the off-chance that some of you have a mind of your own. It basically goes through and disproves your "True Christian" God.

                Oh, and don't take this picture too seriously or anything, just some humor, of course you probably won't take it that way though...

                "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." ~Albert Einstein


                • #9
                  Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                  Welcome to the monkeyhouse!

                  Love your signature, btw.
                  Now that Obama has won the election there will be big black cock for every white woman!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                    Originally posted by GuessImHellbound View Post
                    Please, at least realize that attacking evolution, even if you could disprove it, would never prove your religious beliefs.
                    No, reading the Bible or witnessing the Glory of God's creation is perfectly sufficient to do that. Shout PRAISE!
                    O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

                    God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


                    • #11
                      Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                      Originally posted by Dances with Joy View Post
                      Welcome to the monkeyhouse!

                      Love your signature, btw.
                      Maybe your parents are apes, but mine are True Christians™.

                      And his signature is nothing but the hateful spew of an old joo whose brain was riddled with holes from the syphilis he carried. Certainly nothing to be proud of.
                      Who Will Jesus Damn?

                      Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

                      Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

                      Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at PastorEzekiel@landoverbaptist.net TODAY!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                        Originally posted by Bobby-Joe View Post
                        So evolution only works for some species? Evolution is changes brought about by competition. If the prey, fish went to the land to get away from sharks, sharks would have followed them on to land in due course. If evolution was true we should be afraid because sharks camouflaged as lawyers would attack us every time we left our houses.

                        Evolution works for all species, but one species cannot will a specific mutation in response to a mutation by another species.

                        Typical Darwinist reply; when dealt with a set back attack the questioner with trivialities like a lack of facts. Fact is never an issue with THE TRUTH™

                        I will put that as “unable to answer” .

                        Put it down as whatever you like. And thanks for the affirmation that TC's don't care what the facts are.

                        These people are unsuccessful and stupid. This means they are to incompetent to take advantage of medical research or have no access to it.
                        There are many people who don't have access to health care, and many of them die as a result. That's usually the result of poverty, not stupidity.

                        By the laws of your evolution they should die off, not sneak across our borders looking for jobs.
                        What does illegal immigration have to do with evolution?

                        I am amazed you liberals aren’t gunning them down because they undermine the central tenant of your faith. Shows you who is the better because we REAL American Conservatives give them jobs.

                        To do so is illegal. What happened to Jesus' command that ou obey secular law?

                        That’s call compassion. You should try it sometimes.

                        Hiring an illegal alien so that you can pay less than legal minimum wage, not have to report their wages to the government, and not offer any employee benefits is not compassion.

                        Oh, so having a third arm would not be an advantage?? If someone had a third arm they would be able two work a third faster and get better jobs. Since you Darwinists claim Panda’s lost and re-grew their thumbs and third arm should be child’s play.

                        Evolution does not work based on the economy. It also does not work at the whim of the individual.

                        Even if they ate them all assuming an average of 100lbs per person that would be 75 billion tons of human remains in worm guts.

                        Mama Nature recycles everything. Corpses don't just go into worm guts and stay there. Matter changes form, and when it does, it changes mass.

                        Face, your answers are weak. Worse they hypothetical because you lack direct observation. That is were we Creationists trump you, we have the ultimate direct observer; God. Now turn your lives over to Jesus.
                        I have seen no empirical evidence that god did it. And I don't need Jesus to run my life for me - I'm doing just fine.
                        Now that Obama has won the election there will be big black cock for every white woman!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                          Originally posted by Pastor Ezekiel View Post
                          Maybe your parents are apes, but mine are True Christians™.

                          I never said my parents were apes. ANd I'm glad they weren't Landover brand Christians.

                          And his signature is nothing but the hateful spew of an old joo whose brain was riddled with holes from the syphilis he carried. Certainly nothing to be proud of.
                          Einstein was anyhting but hateful. It broke his heart that his research was used to develop nuclear weapons.
                          Now that Obama has won the election there will be big black cock for every white woman!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                            Originally posted by Dances with Joy View Post
                            I never said my parents were apes. ANd I'm glad they weren't Landover brand Christians.
                            Really, then what are they, highly specialized sponges? No, according to your anti-Christian theology they are apes.

                            Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

                            Hot Must ReadThreads!

                            Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


                            • #15
                              Re: Questions that evolutionist can’t answer

                              Interesting thread.

                              Did you guys know that some of the theories on evolution dictate that first life was not even a whole cell formation? In fact they are stipulating that some of the organelles existed separate from cellular hosts.

                              For example... Mitochondria has it own DNA. They believe that this organelle once lived outside of the cell, and of course by chance one happened to get with a cell and they began to live symbiotically. Now this does not even explain what happened to all the other exocellular mitochondria. I guess they all went and found their own cells to inhabit afterwards. No explanation as to why they did not attack each other, and whats even better is the fact that we have never witnessed an organelle natively living outside of a host.

                              That does not even speak to the transition of prokaryotes or eukaryotes.

                              It is true... evolution leaves MORE questions behind than it can even theorize an answer too.

