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  • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

    Originally posted by biza the godmocker View Post
    I am saying that the center is inside our globe, it's better to say center since it's shaped like a ball.

    Yes they kinda are scientist, they are Myth-busters.
    No i haven't seen ''expelled'', could you give me a link?
    I would love to see something that could even be near convincing me that the moonlanding is a hoax actually.
    I'm saying that the middle and the center are the same thing.

    Drama queen


    • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

      Originally posted by Mrs. P Wintersnow View Post
      Hmm.. Mr Demonic,

      Sorry to get off of topic too but, are you familiar with the INTRODUCTION FORUM here on LBCF?

      You SHOULD be saying something in there FIRST!!

      as in:

      Favorite bible verse

      Which Church you attend

      Are you married

      If you are married, how many Soldiers of Christ has your wife birthed...

      That type of thing.

      Thank you


      I'm sorry Mrs. Wintersnow. Could you please direct me the forum with a link? I'm still learning how to navigate through this website. Also, I would appreciate not being called 'Demonic'. I am faithful to God just as you. Thanks you.


      • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

        Originally posted by Dominic San View Post
        Also, I would appreciate not being called 'Demonic'. I am faithful to God just as you.
        Funny, I didn't see your name on the list of tithers that the Landover Baptist Church sent out last week.
        The Christian Right: The Only Right Way to Be a Christian!


        • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

          biza the godmocker - I would love to see something that could even be near convincing me that the moonlanding is a hoax actually.
          You are either naive or ignorant

          Do you mean to say that you want everyone to believe that the grainy footage of an aluminium tin foil object with spindley spider legs and a rickety ladder was in fact a high technology “space ship”

          Apart from the fact that It looks like it was constructed as a craft project by a remedial class at a first grade kindergarten you then expect us to believe that a couple of fellows were jumping around on the Moon in padded cotton sweatsuits wearing motorcycle helmets

          And finally why was there no actual footage of the so called “space ship” actually landing on the surface of the Moon???
          (I have no trouble filming aeroplanes at the airport, trains at the train station, birds flying etc.)

          Are you a little “slow” or are you just attempting to mock us
          2 Samuel 22:31

          As for God, His way is perfect;
          The word of the LORD is proven;
          He is a shield to all who trust in Him.


          • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

            Originally posted by Jacob11 View Post
            Try using a beach ball instead of a balloon. This eliminates the problem.

            It's definately Satan messing things up again. God hates balloons, so any experiment you try to do usign them is bound to fail!

            And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD's sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel (Zephaniah 1:8)

            God hates people who dress in strange apparel, so He hates clowns. And clowns blow up balloons, so He hates balloons. Simple as that.

            As a Christian clown who operates his own ministry, I am offended by your thinking. Nowhere in the Bible does it say clowns are bad. It all depends on the type of clown. My work involves using puppets, jokes, and skits to spread the Gospel to the unsaved. I promote a KJV-only Baptist type of clown ministry and am not afraid to bring a 5 year old to tears because he is afraid of going to Hell and burn for eternity for talking back to his parents.

            The problem is you take Zephaniah out of context. The "strange apparel" doesn't refer to clown clothes in any way, but rather to pagan dress. The first chapter of Zephaniah is all about God punishing pagans who worship Baal and Molech.

            Finally, it's pretty absurd to assume that even if God hated clowns that somehow balloons are verboten as well. Clowns wear shoes....does that mean we can't wear shoes?

            I'm sure the good reverend who devised these experiments would know if balloons are bad or not, and if they were so, he would not have used a balloon in the experiment.

            YES! I AM A CLOWN FOR CHRIST! Owner/Operator of Lord's Derisive Laughter Christian Clown Ministry.
            Read my inspiring testimonial of how I came to Christ!
            Rebuko's Sleepover Castle - Let your kids spend the night at my place for a One-Night Jesus Camp experience!


            • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

              Originally posted by Dominic San View Post
              I'm sorry Mrs. Wintersnow. Could you please direct me the forum with a link? I'm still learning how to navigate through this website. Also, I would appreciate not being called 'Demonic'. I am faithful to God just as you. Thanks you.
              Hello Mr DominoS

              As well you should apologize! In this instance, I will aid you in your request out of True Christian compassion and nothing more. INTRODUCTION FORUM

              As to your faith in Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior is as just as my faith, love and rejoicing in Him is?.. I doubt it. The proof however is in the preaching and rebuking!

              I look forward to seeing your introduction.



              There's Jesus here,
              Just see what He offers me....
              Down here my sins forgiven,
              Up there a home in heaven
              Praise God, That's the way for me!!


              • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                Originally posted by Rev. Jim Osborne View Post
                We know the Earth is flat because the Bible tells us so. But for those of you skeptical, close-minded types that flat out refuse to accept the overwhelming Biblical evidence, I have designed some experiments you can do at home that will show you, before your very eyes, that the world is indeed flat, and not spherical as some crazy scientists proclaim.

                1) Jump!

                Now, scientists claim that Earth is spherical and rotating at a speed of between 700-1000 miles per hour, depending on your latitude. This is a very high rate of speed. You can disprove this nonsense by simply jumping up as high as you can. Really, it's that simple. What happens when you jump? You come straight down to where you were. But, if the Earth were indeed spinning at such a fast speed, wouldn't you land hundreds of feet away?

                If you were to stand in the flat bed of a truck going 75 mph, and jump straight up, what would happen? You wouldn't fall straight down. You would fall out of the truck. That's because trucks move, the Earth doesn't. This experiment proves the Earth is fixed in space and doesn't move.

                2) Blow!
                Since if the Earth is supposedly a sphere, it naturally comes to assume what would happen to people below the equator, like in Australia? Since they are underneath the sphere, wouldn't they fall off? This is where scientists come up with mumbo-jumbo like "gravity" and "centrifugal force" to explain away their theories. So, the scientists want you to think that because the earth is so much more massive than people or things, that people will naturally "stick" to the bottom of the earth because of gravity.

                This can be disproved very simply. Get a balloon and inflate it as big as possible. It will be a spherical shape. Now, take a piece of paper and try to rip, tear, or cut the tiniest speck of paper possible. This paper represents a human being, much smaller in mass to the balloon, which represents the Earth. Now try and place the small piece of paper to the underside of the balloon. What happens? It falls off!

                That's right. Even though the balloon is so much bigger in mass, it cannot hold the tiny paper. So if the Earth was a sphere, no one could live below the equator because they would fall off.

                3) Get High!
                Ok, this one you really can't do at home, but you can do it out in the world. Stand on the ground and look around you. What's the farthest you can see? Maybe it's a building, tree, or mountain. Now, find some place very close to it where you can get a much higher vantage point. (This also works if you're on a jet and about to take off.) Notice how in the higher place you can see much farther? You can see more of the world the higher you get. This shows the world is flat because the higher you go, the easier it is to see over obstacles. At the same time, it shows the world cannot be spherical. Because if the world was curved, the far distance would forever remain out of view because of the Earth's curvature. It would eternally be over the horizon.

                If the Earth was a sphere, it would not matter how high you went, you would still see the same thing. Since this is not the case, the Earth is flat.

                These experiments are all confirmed by creation scientists as being 100% accurate. If you're skeptical of the flat Earth, why don't you do these experiments so you can see truth with your own eyes.

                Yours in Christ,

                Rev. Jim Osborne
                Oh my. You cannot be serious.

                Why test 1 doesn't work:
                You ignore the fact that people are also moving the same speed as the Earth.

                Your example of the flat bed truck is horrible. So, if you jump, the wind catches you and might push you back. Going 75 miles per hour, you probably actually wouldn't fall of the back. But let's assume you would. Let's use a better example: pretend you are inside a train. If the train is going 200 mph, and you jump, you will land right where you were. If it was going 1000 mph, and you jumped, you would land right where you were. You wouldn't slam into the back of the train, like you are saying would happen. Next time you're on an airplane, jump. If you are right, you will crash into the back of it. Or are airplanes Satan's work?

                Why test 2 doesn't work:
                This is just the most uninformed piece of nonsense I've read in a long time. First of all, sheer size has nothing to do with "how massive" something is. You are filling the balloon with air - a very non dense material. Trying to equate this with the Earth's mass and gravity is just stupid. Additionally, cutting a small piece of paper and putting it next to a balloon is in no away analogous to the size difference between the Earth and a person. Your piece of paper would have to be microscopic to begin to come close to that comparison.

                Why test 3 is complete nonsense
                This is so easy to disprove it's amazing. Go to the ocean, and bring a powerful telescope. Bring a telescope that can see the moon, which is pretty far away. Now, point your powerful telescope out to the ocean - can you see another continent? Can you see Africa? No. You can't. If the Earth was flat, you would be able to see Africa. But since you cannot see Africa from our coastline with a powerful telescope, the Earth cannot be flat. No matter how powerful the telescope is, no matter how clear of a day it is, you WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE AFRICA. Explain how that's possible if the Earth is flat?

                Other reasons the Earth CANNOT be flat:
                1 -
                Name one place where you can see the edge, where it falls off? You would think that since humans have covered the globe, and seen the "4 corners", that someone, at some point, would have come across the "edge". No one has ever fallen off the edge, or seen the edge. How can that be? Can you travel to "the edge of the earth"? Can you throw something off it it? Can you fall off it it? No. Because there isn't an edge. It doesn't exist.

                2 -
                If you get into an airplane and fly in one direction, you will not eventually fly off of the Earth. You will end up where you started. How is this possible if the earth is flat? Take a piece of paper, which will represent the Earth. Now take a pencil, and start drawing a line. This represents the plane. Keep drawing the line and eventually it will go off the page. So, are you saying you could fly off of the Earth in the same way? No, you cannot.

                I cannot believe that people ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS STUFF. OH. MY. GOD. That's just scary.


                • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                  This is just dumb, for the Earth's round as a marble.


                  • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                    twopatos: I cannot believe that people ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS STUFF. OH. MY. GOD. That's just scary.
                    TDG196: This is just dumb, for the Earth's round as a marble.
                    Anyone can put together a bunch of "fancy" words and claim it is fact......... but with no actual supporting evidence

                    All the facts at LBC are just that FACTS........Evidenced irrevocably by the KVJ Bible
                    2 Samuel 22:31

                    As for God, His way is perfect;
                    The word of the LORD is proven;
                    He is a shield to all who trust in Him.


                    • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                      Get enough money for at least the cheapest space trip and you'll see, the Earth's round, my good sir.


                      • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                        Originally posted by TDG196 View Post
                        Get enough money for at least the cheapest space trip and you'll see, the Earth's round, my good sir.

                        Of course the world is round. As round as a DVD, a CD or a dime. That does not stop it from being FLAT, like aforementioned DVD, CD or dime.



                        There's Jesus here,
                        Just see what He offers me....
                        Down here my sins forgiven,
                        Up there a home in heaven
                        Praise God, That's the way for me!!


                        • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                          Originally posted by twopatos View Post
                          Oh my. You cannot be serious.
                          Is preaching the word of God some sort of a joke to you? Of course we're serious!

                          Why test 1 doesn't work:
                          You ignore the fact that people are also moving the same speed as the Earth.
                          I'm sorry to break it to you, pal, but the earth does not move.
                          Psalm 93:1: The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.
                          Your example of the flat bed truck is horrible. So, if you jump, the wind catches you and might push you back. Going 75 miles per hour, you probably actually wouldn't fall of the back. But let's assume you would. Let's use a better example: pretend you are inside a train. If the train is going 200 mph, and you jump, you will land right where you were. If it was going 1000 mph, and you jumped, you would land right where you were. You wouldn't slam into the back of the train, like you are saying would happen. Next time you're on an airplane, jump. If you are right, you will crash into the back of it. Or are airplanes Satan's work?
                          What you are saying here does not fit into the creationist theory and is therefore not scientific in any way. You should try and read the Bible sometimes instead of all this sci-fi hocuspocus nonsense.
                          2 Timothy 3:16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
                          Why test 2 doesn't work:
                          This is just the most uninformed piece of nonsense I've read in a long time. First of all, sheer size has nothing to do with "how massive" something is. You are filling the balloon with air - a very non dense material. Trying to equate this with the Earth's mass and gravity is just stupid. Additionally, cutting a small piece of paper and putting it next to a balloon is in no away analogous to the size difference between the Earth and a person. Your piece of paper would have to be microscopic to begin to come close to that comparison.
                          Then, let's take a large rock (I'm quite sure that's pretty massive) and place a small piece of paper to the underside of that rock. What happens? It falls off!

                          The same logic could be applied to the Earth since the Earth is, according to false scientists, nothing but a large rock. Now, could you please explain this to me? Why does the paper fall of the rock but not the Earth? Shouldn't the size and mass of the rock contain enough amount of this magical gravity-energy to keep the paper in its place?

                          Why test 3 is complete nonsense
                          This is so easy to disprove it's amazing. Go to the ocean, and bring a powerful telescope. Bring a telescope that can see the moon, which is pretty far away. Now, point your powerful telescope out to the ocean - can you see another continent? Can you see Africa? No. You can't. If the Earth was flat, you would be able to see Africa. But since you cannot see Africa from our coastline with a powerful telescope, the Earth cannot be flat. No matter how powerful the telescope is, no matter how clear of a day it is, you WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE AFRICA. Explain how that's possible if the Earth is flat?
                          You don't seem to understand that the world is very big, much bigger than its distance from the moon. If you don't see Africa with your powerful telescope that is only a sign that you aren't close enough. If you start moving closer, then eventually you will see Africa which absolutely PROVES that the Earth is flat!

                          Other reasons the Earth CANNOT be flat:
                          1 -
                          Name one place where you can see the edge, where it falls off? You would think that since humans have covered the globe, and seen the "4 corners", that someone, at some point, would have come across the "edge". No one has ever fallen off the edge, or seen the edge. How can that be? Can you travel to "the edge of the earth"? Can you throw something off it it? Can you fall off it it? No. Because there isn't an edge. It doesn't exist.
                          Well, the Bible holds many first-hand accounts of people traveling to the ends of the Earth. Let's take the Book of Job for example:
                          Job 28:24: For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven;
                          If you are not convinced by now, then take a look at this...

                          2 -
                          If you get into an airplane and fly in one direction, you will not eventually fly off of the Earth. You will end up where you started. How is this possible if the earth is flat? Take a piece of paper, which will represent the Earth. Now take a pencil, and start drawing a line. This represents the plane. Keep drawing the line and eventually it will go off the page. So, are you saying you could fly off of the Earth in the same way? No, you cannot.
                          This has been discussed before in another thread. The force at work is called Intelligent Pulling. As the airplane reaches the edge of the earth it immediately changes its course by the guidance of an intelligent force. Then it would be dragged along the edge until the original starting point is reached. Here is a good diagram to make this more clear:

                          I cannot believe that people ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS STUFF. OH. MY. GOD. That's just scary.
                          You think it's scary that some people choose to follow Jesus Christ instead of the devil? Why do you hate Jesus so much?

                          Well, at least we'll be laughing in heaven while you burn in hell for all eternity. I hope you'll enjoy yourself.
                          PROOF: America in the Bible!
                          8 REASONS WHY GOD HATES THE FAROE ISLANDS!

                          The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
                          (Psalm 9:17)

                          Add me on


                          • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                            What you are saying here does not fit into the creationist theory and is therefore not scientific in any way. You should try and read the Bible sometimes instead of all this sci-fi hocuspocus nonsense.
                            OK. So the original poster IS allowed to reference people jumping as proof, where apparently me referencing people jumping is not allowed. Nice. All I said was get into a train and jump - and you are not going to slam into the back of it. You know it. I know it. It's not that difficult, and it's not "sci-fi hocuspocus nonsense".

                            Additionally, it's amusing that you reference the "creationist theory", using the scientific notion of a theory versus a truth. So admittedly, your creationist theory is just that - theory, that might not be correct, according to your verbiage.

                            Then, let's take a large rock (I'm quite sure that's pretty massive) and place a small piece of paper to the underside of that rock. What happens? It falls off!

                            The same logic could be applied to the Earth since the Earth is, according to false scientists, nothing but a large rock. Now, could you please explain this to me? Why does the paper fall of the rock but not the Earth? Shouldn't the size and mass of the rock contain enough amount of this magical gravity-energy to keep the paper in its place?
                            No, a large rock is not "pretty massive" in terms of gravitational force. In fact, a large mountain would not be big enough. It takes a very, very big thing, like a planet, to create gravity that is perceptible to you. The estimated weight of the earth is 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 *TONS*. And you might weigh 160 lbs. So, you can see there has to be an extremely large weight - using an example of a rock you can hold in your hand and claiming it doesn't produce gravity you can see is silly. That's like saying there are no stars in the sky because it's cloudy outside.

                            You don't seem to understand that the world is very big, much bigger than its distance from the moon. If you don't see Africa with your powerful telescope that is only a sign that you aren't close enough. If you start moving closer, then eventually you will see Africa which absolutely PROVES that the Earth is flat!
                            Really? How big is the Earth exactly then? And how far away is the moon exactly? And how far exactly do you believe the longest telescope can see?

                            Well, the Bible holds many first-hand accounts of people traveling to the ends of the Earth.
                            I didn't ask you if the bible had accounts. I asked if it's some place someone can go to. How do you get there? Who in the last 5000 years has been there? Why is there no picture of it?

                            And posting some picture that was photoshopped as "proof" is ridiculous.

                            Look, here is a picture of an apple with a mouth. Are you trying to tell me that's real just because there is a picture of it?

                            Additionally, your bible verse does not imply someone has been there, only that someone has looked towards the end of the Earth. For example if you say "look to Texas" it means you are facing South, most likely anyways. So, for someone to "look to the ends of the earth" means they are basically facing any direction at any time, since the ends of the earth are "surrounding" us according to you.

                            This has been discussed before in another thread. The force at work is called Intelligent Pulling. As the airplane reaches the edge of the earth it immediately changes its course by the guidance of an intelligent force. Then it would be dragged along the edge until the original starting point is reached. Here is a good diagram to make this more clear:
                            Show be the bible verse where anyone talks about intelligent pulling or intelligent falling. I want to hear scripture. I look forward to your examples, because if it's not there, then it doesn't exist.


                            • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                              Originally posted by twopatos View Post
                              OK. So the original poster IS allowed to reference people jumping as proof, where apparently me referencing people jumping is not allowed. Nice. All I said was get into a train and jump - and you are not going to slam into the back of it. You know it. I know it. It's not that difficult, and it's not "sci-fi hocuspocus nonsense".
                              Yes, I am allowed to reference it because it's evidence you can see with your own eyes. I thought you atheist scientist types were all big on that...."show me and I'll believe it".

                              Now, you cannot compare a train and the earth. It's a false comparison. Because when you are on a train you are inside. But when you are on the Earth, you are outside. Now, stand on top of the same train and jump up -- what happens? -- you fall off and land far away from the train.

                              If you are outside, like on top of a train, or in the back of a truck, or standing on the Earth, you'll fall off. Simple as that.

                              No, a large rock is not "pretty massive" in terms of gravitational force. In fact, a large mountain would not be big enough. It takes a very, very big thing, like a planet, to create gravity that is perceptible to you. The estimated weight of the earth is 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 *TONS*. And you might weigh 160 lbs. So, you can see there has to be an extremely large weight - using an example of a rock you can hold in your hand and claiming it doesn't produce gravity you can see is silly. That's like saying there are no stars in the sky because it's cloudy outside.
                              Now you're moving the goal posts. You said a balloon wasn't massive enough, so Brother Alex countered with the point you can use a heavy, dense rock, and now you're saying it's not massive enough.

                              The burden of proof is on you to show how and why a massive object creates this magical gravity energy. You are coming up with a claim that is contradictory to direct observation. Therefore, the burden of proof lies on you.

                              Really? How big is the Earth exactly then? And how far away is the moon exactly? And how far exactly do you believe the longest telescope can see?
                              The earth is supposedly about 25,000 miles in diameter, flat. The moon is probably about 500 miles away. We know the sun is 500 miles away. Now, Africa is much further away than 500 miles, don't you admit?

                              I didn't ask you if the bible had accounts. I asked if it's some place someone can go to. How do you get there? Who in the last 5000 years has been there? Why is there no picture of it?
                              Actually, most scientists who research the flat Earth have come to the conclusion that a thick ice sheet surrounds the Earth. This is known as Antarctica. So yes, people have been there. It's called Antarctica.

                              Additionally, your bible verse does not imply someone has been there, only that someone has looked towards the end of the Earth. For example if you say "look to Texas" it means you are facing South, most likely anyways. So, for someone to "look to the ends of the earth" means they are basically facing any direction at any time, since the ends of the earth are "surrounding" us according to you.
                              Looks like you are trying to split hairs to me. Looking to Texas and looking south mean two different things. South is a general direction, Texas is an actual place.

                              Show be the bible verse where anyone talks about intelligent pulling or intelligent falling. I want to hear scripture. I look forward to your examples, because if it's not there, then it doesn't exist.
                              It's not in the Bible itself, but this is science based on the Bible. Using a bit of skepticism, logic, and deductional reasoning, one can conclude that intelligent pulling and falling are very real. Then again, lots of things aren't in the Bible. Cars are not in the Bible. Does that mean cars don't exist? Does that mean we don't believe in cars? Don't be silly.

                              Watch the #1 Televangelist Gospel Hour in the World! "Turn or Burn: Accept Christ or Go to Hell with Rev. Jim Osborne." Check your local cable listings.


                              • Re: 3 Experiments You Can Do At Home that PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT

                                Originally posted by twopatos View Post
                                Additionally, your bible verse does not imply someone has been there, only that someone has looked towards the end of the Earth. For example if you say "look to Texas" it means you are facing South, most likely anyways. So, for someone to "look to the ends of the earth" means they are basically facing any direction at any time, since the ends of the earth are "surrounding" us according to you.
                                The centre of the disk is known as the North Pole. And Rev. Jim Osborne already explained to you the edge of the disc is called Antarctica. God put a huge magnet on the North Pole to make it easier for all of us to navigate. This is how we determine where North and South are.

                                Another easy way to prove that the Earth is really a disk is by looking at a map of the Earth. Since Earth is a disk and most map makers change it into a rectangle they have to stretch out everything close to the North Pole to make the map the shape of a rectangle. If you take something that is on top of the map it will seem much bigger. For example Greenland and Africa seem almost the same size on a regular rectangular map while in reality Africa (11,668,598.7 sq mi) is 14 times larger than Greenland (836,109 sq mi)! If you do not believe me, just look up the size of Greenland and Africa on your favorite website!

                                I am certain that even atheists will now give up on this silly "Earth is a globe" myth.
                                5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!
                                To most "Christians" The Bible is like a license agreement. They just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree". All those "Christians" will burn in Hell!
                                James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

