After seeing all the protests about injustices and wealth inequality in the news (#MeToo, #BLM, etc.), I decided to do my part and help my fellow man in an area where I am particularly blessed, which is matters of financial prosperity.
Print out this worksheet, fill in the blanks and see where you are frittering away your personal responsibility, and maybe reveal certain areas where you can improve yourself.
1. What non-essentials do you buy?
[ ] Coffee
[ ] Shoes
[ ] Flowers
[ ] Hair products
2. How much do you spend on them per week?
[ ] $100
[ ] $200
[ ] $400
[ ] $800
3. What food items do you over spend on?
[ ] Pre packaged salads
[ ] Grits
[ ] Fried chicken
[ ] Gatorade
4. When something breaks at home do you?
[ ] Make do without
[ ] Buy a replacement
[ ] Upgrade to the latest model
[ ] Complain to your husband
5. You find $50. What do you spend it on?
[ ] A wellness spa
[ ] 16lb bag economy chitlins
[ ] Lottery tickets
[ ] Give to the poor
Print out this worksheet, fill in the blanks and see where you are frittering away your personal responsibility, and maybe reveal certain areas where you can improve yourself.
1. What non-essentials do you buy?
[ ] Coffee
[ ] Shoes
[ ] Flowers
[ ] Hair products
2. How much do you spend on them per week?
[ ] $100
[ ] $200
[ ] $400
[ ] $800
3. What food items do you over spend on?
[ ] Pre packaged salads
[ ] Grits
[ ] Fried chicken
[ ] Gatorade
4. When something breaks at home do you?
[ ] Make do without
[ ] Buy a replacement
[ ] Upgrade to the latest model
[ ] Complain to your husband
5. You find $50. What do you spend it on?
[ ] A wellness spa
[ ] 16lb bag economy chitlins
[ ] Lottery tickets
[ ] Give to the poor