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  • DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

    Brothers and Sisters, it is with extreme excitement that the World Wide Headquarters of DFAC ( The Dewitt Foundation for the Advancement Of Christianity) will be completed 5 months early. The building as many of you have seen is a 12 story complex. The first floor will be in part a Christian Book store operated by LBC, I hope to lease the remainder for a Christian Restaurant. The remaining 11 stories will be the home of DFAC.

    The mission of DFAC is to help wonderful Christian churches like our own LBC spread the word of God. It is funded by myself and a few other Christian Businessmen across America. My partners wish to remain silent about their identities. Currently funding is at a all time high, 1.3 billion dollars.

    Due to an all ready over loaded scheduled on my part, I will not be able to run DFAC. So I am soliciting a person to be the face of DFAC.
    The person must be above reproach, and a True Christian.
    The primary responsibility of the Head of DFAC will be to investigate and fund Christian activities. He/ She will be in charge of all workers at my complex. He/She will be solely responsible for the hiring and firing of employees.
    A very generous salary will be given to the individual. DFAC will have a private jet and pilot ( My last years Gulf Stream) at the disposal of the person chosen.

    The Pastors at LBC and myself will be making the decision with in the next few months.
    Put a resume together and fax it to me. YIC James Dewitt

  • #2
    Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

    Congratulations I hope your organization will trane a media outreach person to screen the storys coming from some religious rights churches that defame the homosexual bisexual and lesbian communities and their families. The old fashioned hate speech is not making religion popular in this new day and age and it does not promote a church's 'community' image when outsiders are attacked for no reason except they are human. There is room for all of us that is what America is about. But the hate speech and the needless goating have to stop.


    • #3
      Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

      Brother James, I'm sure are expecting me to file an application, but, sadly, I cannot.

      I carefully did research in my law library and discovered that the principle of non partus tempus outsidus laborious applies, thus affecting my availability for the position.

      I also consulted with my fellow jurists and was pleased to discover I can continue my sideline as an Amway representative because I was engaged in that lucrative endeavor prior to my appointment to the bench.

      Speaking of which, I am prepared to offer substantial discounts on quantity purchases of supplies to maintain your new edifice. And here I'm talking gold and silver polish, glass cleaner, floor cleaning and polishing supplies, and hand cleaners especially forumlated to de-grease the hands of the messicant cleaning crews you will hire.
      The Honorable HTannor (Pro NRA, Anti-Homer Marriage), Judge, Freehold Supreme Court

      "Credo elvem etiam vivere"


      • #4
        Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

        Originally posted by HTannor View Post
        I carefully did research in my law library and discovered that the principle of non partus tempus outsidus laborious applies, thus affecting my availability for the position.
        what's that? Are you saying you cant get the job on religious grounds that is illegal. If they block you from getting a qualified job because your religion is not like theres you have ways to challenge. Its the same as the house and senate deciding you can't not hire military people because they're gay..cuts both ways. Someone cant refuse to hire you because of religion either across the board.


        • #5
          Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

          Originally posted by napa valley nan View Post
          what's that? Are you saying you cant get the job on religious grounds that is illegal. If they block you from getting a qualified job because your religion is not like theres you have ways to challenge. Its the same as the house and senate deciding you can't not hire military people because they're gay..cuts both ways. Someone cant refuse to hire you because of religion either across the board.
          Its my Foundation correct? I can and will hire just whom I please. I will not hire any active HOMOSEXURAL! I will not hire a atheist! I will not hire a Catlik, Mormon, Jew, Wicca, witch or any one other than Baptist. You and or the Federal Government can not and will not change that! Whats next cripples and retards? The person that I hire to run DFAC will adhere to my hiring practices or they will be out of a JOB.


          • #6
            Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

            Originally posted by napa valley nan View Post
            what's that? Are you saying you cant get the job on religious grounds that is illegal.
            Even for Unsaved Trash of the dyke persuasion, you're teetering on the absurd for being dense.

            Now, go back and carefully read my post.

            No, wait, you've already proved your reading prowess is lacking.

            Let me explain:

            1. I am a judge in the Freehold judicial system.

            2. Therefore I am on the public payroll and subject to the restrictions therein.

            3. I am bound by case law from obtraining employment outside of the position I already hold.

            4. Even though Brother James already knows I would be the ideal candidate, I posted the above as a courtesy so he will realize he will to choose from lesser applicants.

            Now, toddle off to wherever you came from and let us men complete our business.
            The Honorable HTannor (Pro NRA, Anti-Homer Marriage), Judge, Freehold Supreme Court

            "Credo elvem etiam vivere"


            • #7
              Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

              Originally posted by James Dewitt View Post
              Its my Foundation correct? I can and will hire just whom I please. I will not hire any active HOMOSEXURAL! I will not hire a atheist! I will not hire a Catlik, Mormon, Jew, Wicca, witch or any one other than Baptist. You and or the Federal Government can not and will not change that! Whats next cripples and retards? The person that I hire to run DFAC will adhere to my hiring practices or they will be out of a JOB.
              Ignore that harridan, she's only here to test our resolve.

              May I suggest that you make a competition out of the job? Only persons who have subscribed for more than a year to The Freehold Truth and Light Baptist newspaper will be eligible to enter.

              If you have a particular candidate in mind, give a slightly altered address in the advert and then inform your chosen candidate of the correct address.

              I would also remind you of the wisdom of asking for a photograph. You don't want Darkies applying, they get so upset when they are rejected. Also, ask for a list of all schools attended - obviously anyone who went to "St Mary Mother of Jesus, Immaculate Bleeding Heart Queen of Heaven School", etc., will not make the first cut.

              “We must reassert that the essence of Christianity is the love of obedience to God’s Laws and that how that complete obedience is used or implemented does not concern us.”

              Author of such illuminating essays as,
              Map of the Known World; Periodic Table of Elements; The History of Linguistics; The Errors of Wicca; Dolphins and Evolution; The History of Landover (The Apology); Landover and the Civil War; 2000 Racial Slurs.


              • #8
                Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                Originally posted by James Dewitt View Post
                Brothers and Sisters, it is with extreme excitement that the World Wide Headquarters of DFAC ( The Dewitt Foundation for the Advancement Of Christianity) will be completed 5 months early. The building as many of you have seen is a 12 story complex. The first floor will be in part a Christian Book store operated by LBC, I hope to lease the remainder for a Christian Restaurant. The remaining 11 stories will be the home of DFAC.

                The mission of DFAC is to help wonderful Christian churches like our own LBC spread the word of God. It is funded by myself and a few other Christian Businessmen across America. My partners wish to remain silent about their identities. Currently funding is at a all time high, 1.3 billion dollars.

                Due to an all ready over loaded scheduled on my part, I will not be able to run DFAC. So I am soliciting a person to be the face of DFAC.
                The person must be above reproach, and a True Christian.
                The primary responsibility of the Head of DFAC will be to investigate and fund Christian activities. He/ She will be in charge of all workers at my complex. He/She will be solely responsible for the hiring and firing of employees.
                A very generous salary will be given to the individual. DFAC will have a private jet and pilot ( My last years Gulf Stream) at the disposal of the person chosen.

                The Pastors at LBC and myself will be making the decision with in the next few months.
                Put a resume together and fax it to me. YIC James Dewitt

                I Am Sledge, I am the Man for the Job. I am like Job, tested by God! I Passed HIS test! Glory to Sledge that God has Given me an A for Effort!

                I Cannot be Approached! I can be the HEAD, My Head is STRONG in The LORD!!! My Body was Weak, I had a Cough, but it has Cleared UP. My Lungs are CLEAR!!!

                I no longer Wander, I will Stay Put. They told me to Be Quiet and Stay Put!!! And they Gave me Blankets, CLEAN and NEW Blankets!! I have a Platform!!! The Wood was FREE!!! I am Warmer now! I built a ROOF!!!

                I need a Salary, the Mowing is slow in the Winter, the Snow covers the LAWNS and they DO NOT Grow! I do not like Celery!!! It tastes Like WATER!!!

                I want the JET!!! I used to fly, in Space! But I keep it Under My Hat. I want a new Hat too, the old one is Too Cold.

                When I am in Charge, I want a Hat the covers My EARS!!!

                I am Sledge, I am a MAN, the Man for the JOB. I have a TRUCK! It is a FORD! I need New Tires!!! I want The JOB!!!
                A Faithful Servant of the Lord sent by God to help Save The Future!

                Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. Revelation 2:16


                • #9
                  Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                  Originally posted by Ezekiel Bathfire View Post
                  Ignore that harridan, she's only here to test our resolve.

                  May I suggest that you make a competition out of the job? Only persons who have subscribed for more than a year to The Freehold Truth and Light Baptist newspaper will be eligible to enter.

                  If you have a particular candidate in mind, give a slightly altered address in the advert and then inform your chosen candidate of the correct address.

                  I would also remind you of the wisdom of asking for a photograph. You don't want Darkies applying, they get so upset when they are rejected. Also, ask for a list of all schools attended - obviously anyone who went to "St Mary Mother of Jesus, Immaculate Bleeding Heart Queen of Heaven School", etc., will not make the first cut.
                  Excellent idea Brother .


                  • #10
                    Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                    Originally posted by Sledge Riprock View Post

                    I Am Sledge, I am the Man for the Job. I am like Job, tested by God! I Passed HIS test! Glory to Sledge that God has Given me an A for Effort!

                    I Cannot be Approached! I can be the HEAD, My Head is STRONG in The LORD!!! My Body was Weak, I had a Cough, but it has Cleared UP. My Lungs are CLEAR!!!

                    I no longer Wander, I will Stay Put. They told me to Be Quiet and Stay Put!!! And they Gave me Blankets, CLEAN and NEW Blankets!! I have a Platform!!! The Wood was FREE!!! I am Warmer now! I built a ROOF!!!

                    I need a Salary, the Mowing is slow in the Winter, the Snow covers the LAWNS and they DO NOT Grow! I do not like Celery!!! It tastes Like WATER!!!

                    I want the JET!!! I used to fly, in Space! But I keep it Under My Hat. I want a new Hat too, the old one is Too Cold.

                    When I am in Charge, I want a Hat the covers My EARS!!!

                    I am Sledge, I am a MAN, the Man for the JOB. I have a TRUCK! It is a FORD! I need New Tires!!! I want The JOB!!!
                    Thanks for the umm application. At this time it (THE Job) is only open to highly qualified applicants. Perhaps if that changes we might be able to consider you.
                    There is a small possibility that I might have a job opening in the janitorial staff, as a supervisor, do you speak messicant or jive ? At any rate I will keep your application on file for 1 year. YIC James Dewitt


                    • #11
                      Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                      Originally posted by James Dewitt View Post
                      Its my Foundation correct? I can and will hire just whom I please. I will not hire any active HOMOSEXURAL! I will not hire a atheist! I will not hire a Catlik, Mormon, Jew, Wicca, witch or any one other than Baptist. You and or the Federal Government can not and will not change that! Whats next cripples and retards? The person that I hire to run DFAC will adhere to my hiring practices or they will be out of a JOB.
                      DewittCorp would like to make a formal statement here and emphasize the fact that our hiring process will be in accordance with all federal laws (including, but not limited to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). DewittCorp is proud to embrace diversity and all applications will be considered regardless of the applicant's race, color, religion, sex or national origin.*

                      *Most of those will be "considered" right into the paper shredder though.
                      "Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him." Matthew 21:31-32

                      An Important Reminder for all unSaved© Ladies
                      Protect Yourself! Important Information about Demons
                      My five Six Step Guide to Stopping Your Miserable Harlotry!
                      Do you hate fornication? Join the Junior Anti-Sex League and help stop it today!
                      An Open Question to All false christians.


                      • #12
                        Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                        Originally posted by Lycia The Repentant View Post
                        DewittCorp would like to make a formal statement here and emphasize the fact that our hiring process will be in accordance with all federal laws (including, but not limited to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). DewittCorp is proud to embrace diversity and all applications will be considered regardless of the applicant's race, color, religion, sex or national origin.*

                        *Most of those will be "considered" right into the paper shredder though.
                        As founder and CEO of Dewitt Corp. I make the rules, not the damn Government. Lycia fetch my belt and meet me in my DEN. One of us is in deep trouble and might have overstepped her bounds*

                        * I need a spanking


                        • #13
                          Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                          Originally posted by James Dewitt View Post
                          As founder and CEO of Dewitt Corp. I make the rules, not the damn Government. Lycia fetch my belt and meet me in my DEN. One of us is in deep trouble and might have overstepped her bounds*

                          * I need a spanking
                          Private Message for James Dewitt:

                          Brother, remember how we talked about making statements like that in public? We at least need to pretend to follow the labor laws!

                          End private transmission.

                          Yes sir!
                          "Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him." Matthew 21:31-32

                          An Important Reminder for all unSaved© Ladies
                          Protect Yourself! Important Information about Demons
                          My five Six Step Guide to Stopping Your Miserable Harlotry!
                          Do you hate fornication? Join the Junior Anti-Sex League and help stop it today!
                          An Open Question to All false christians.


                          • #14
                            Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                            Originally posted by Lycia The Repentant View Post
                            Private Message for James Dewitt:

                            Brother, remember how we talked about making statements like that in public? We at least need to pretend to follow the labor laws!

                            End private transmission.

                            Yes sir!
                            Do not make me say it again!

                            I know, but I do have to keep face with the Guys, Zeke allready thinks I am pussy whipped. I have been bad, dont make me beg.


                            • #15
                              Re: DFAC Office Building slated to open June 1, 2011

                              Originally posted by James Dewitt View Post
                              There is a small possibility that I might have a job opening in the janitorial staff, as a supervisor, do you speak messicant or jive ? At any rate I will keep your application on file for 1 year. YIC James Dewitt

                              I can SPEAK LOUD so that all Can Understand ME!!! I can YELL at Mexicans and Negros with God's words IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGES!!!

                              I found TAPES, in My Wandering Time. Berlitz Tapes, on 8-track, and I listened, I LISTENED Good!!! In Wyoming under a Bridge. A Bridge to My Future! A Bridge to NOW! It is NOW time, Here and Now Time! ALL will hear me now, CAN YOU!?!?

                              Soon We will ALL Speak and Spell as Children of God! I clean UP nicely, I have TWO mops, one is old, one is a SWIFFER!! They are in My TRUCK, it is a FORD!!!
                              A Faithful Servant of the Lord sent by God to help Save The Future!

                              Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. Revelation 2:16
                              A MAN, A PLAN, A PLATFORM, A FORD TRUCK, SLEDGE!

