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  • Re: False Religions And Cults

    Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
    Ah yes, the susspression of freedom of speech hard at work so I see...
    This is not a government entity. They owe you nothing.

    Learn how stuff works before complaining, k?


    • Re: False Religions And Cults

      Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
      Ah yes, the susspression of freedom of speech hard at work so I see.clap. clap. clap.
      You strike me as rather extremist, that's all. Not necessarily criticizing, just checking things out. I'd be happy to do a little debating with y'all later, but in the meantime I have some work to get done.
      You spelled "suppression" wrong, so the haughty tone that you are reaching for rings a bit hollow, my dear. (That was a patronizing tone, in case you missed it.)

      As for your observation that we are an extremist lot, well, our position is in defense of the Bible as the one and only true word of the one and only true God. If you take the time to read the Bible, you will find that many of its positions seem rather extreme in relation to modern sensibilities.

      And our pastor will be along sooner or later to clarify the Landover Baptist position on debating. (Hint: We don't.)
      His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

      Guns For God and the Economy


      • Re: False Religions And Cults

        Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
        Ah yes, the susspression of freedom of speech hard at work so I see.clap. clap. clap.
        You strike me as rather extremist, that's all. Not necessarily criticizing, just checking things out. I'd be happy to do a little debating with y'all later, but in the meantime I have some work to get done.
        Dear Miss Blanche: We are truly happy that you have found , within the very tangled branches of the vast interwebs galaxy. Before we go much further, I wonder if I might trouble you, to post an introductory message — over at our cordial Introduction Forum. We like our newcomers to post a few words about themselves, so that we can become acquainted. The link to that friendly forum is here:

        Attention Unsaved Trash: This the ONLY subforum you can start threads in. Here is where you introduce yourself. Tell us what church you go to and what your favorite Bible verse is and how you came to find Jesus.

        Whilst there, kindly pay close attention to our very simple requests, which are posted at the top of the page; however, I am more than happy to include them here, for your added benefit:

        The introduction forum Attention Unsaved Trash: This the ONLY subforum you can start threads in. Here is where you introduce yourself. Tell us what church you go to and what your favorite Bible verse is and how you came to find Jesus.

        We do look forward to getting to know you, Dear -- here, at .
        (Mrs.) Isabella White

        Hebrews 10:19 " Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the of "


        • Re: False Religions And Cults

          Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
          You strike me as rather extremist,
          Yes, we do believe that the Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and in today's secular society it does make us extremists.

          Thank you for appreciating our dedication to our Lord.
          God created fossils to test our faith.

          * * *

          My favorite LBC sermons:
          True Christians are Perfect!
          True Christian™ Love.
          Salvation™ made Easy!
          You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe the Old Testament.
          Jesus is impolite. Deal with it.
          Jesus is xenophobic and so should we.
          Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept.
          Biblical view on modern-day slavery.
          The Immorality of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
          Geneva Conventions vs. The Holy Bible.
          God HATES Rational Thinking!
          True Christian™ Man as a spitting image of God.


          • Re: False Religions And Cults

            Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
            freedom of speech
            There are two aspects to freedom. One, the lesser of the two, is what the law allows. Or insists on as the case may be. For example you can't drive around at 300MPH even if you just wasted several million on a car able to do that. (Unless you're in Germany or Australia but even then not on all roads.) The law insists on it; perhaps I can say I think that's a stupid law and it should be changed but if I start making speeches telling people to poison everyone that would be different. At some point freedom of speech becomes incitement to poison. Written ideas are treated differently and there is the interesting legal question of whether words printed on a T-shirt——a declaration of war, say——which you wear and get someone to photograph you wearing it, then circulate the photograph, constitutes——in this case——a declaration of war or not? The same applies to any other category of free speech.

            The other, more important, aspect is what happens after you've made your perfectly legal announcement? Many false religions and cults think you should suffer consequences for your opinion. They may turf you out from your home, isolate you socially and here you could think "just move somewhere else" but if you've also lost your job and nobody will employ you moving states or continents gets tricky. Some cults think they should chop your head off. They don't care what the law is. And that's why this is the more important of the two. If expressing your opinion leads to certain ruin, that's not freedom of speech, legal diktat notwithstanding.

            The Bible explains what God's opinion is. He made the whole universe, quark by quark, knows the location of each one, knows how all-pervasive sin can be once uncorked [thank you, Eve!] and the need for Salvation. Throughout the centuries He's explained this, worked miracles, given commandments, smitten with boils and instant leprosy, killed false priests with jets of flame and finally having Jesus killed for no reason except because He loves us so much. Generally what God was building was mocked from its very foundation.
            Acts 4:11-13 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

            Here too a subtle distinction is drawn. They were not ignorant BECAUSE they had been with Jesus. They were ignorant AND they had been with Jesus. Cults may say they follow The Bible when, if you read it, they very much don't. They are free to say that in law but God knows their error and one day someone could take them at their word, actually read The Bible and implement its freedoms directly, the only real freedom, freedom from sin.

            Which would you prefer?

