Re: When is it right to beat a woman?
I have no idea why, but it's right there in the Bible. I'll add that to my list of things to ask Him about when I get to Heaven.
Humans can't damn or save other humans. That's the Holy Spirit's job. I can't damn you, and I wouldn't even if I could. I can't save you either, but I can tell you how to get saved.
I believe it because God said it. How can you, in all good conscience, NOT believe God's Word?
I didn't decide it. That's not my opinion; it's God's opinion, and since I'm a Christian I have to accept it. Before I read the Bible, my experience was that women were worth every bit as much as men, that they were just as intelligent and capable as men, that their opinions mattered just as much as those of men, and that they were equally deserving of happiness.
But once I got saved, I read the Bible and learned God's opinion on the topic, and changed my tune pronto.
I wrote a sermon on this very topic, and I think you will find it interesting: Follow the Word of God, not your "conscience"
Pastor Billy-Reuben
Originally posted by TrulyTolerant
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Originally posted by TrulyTolerant
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Originally posted by TrulyTolerant
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Originally posted by TrulyTolerant
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But once I got saved, I read the Bible and learned God's opinion on the topic, and changed my tune pronto.
I wrote a sermon on this very topic, and I think you will find it interesting: Follow the Word of God, not your "conscience"
Pastor Billy-Reuben