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  • Re: When is it right to beat a woman?

    Originally posted by TrulyTolerant View Post
    Why would God tell you to harm one of His most prized creations?
    I have no idea why, but it's right there in the Bible. I'll add that to my list of things to ask Him about when I get to Heaven.

    Originally posted by TrulyTolerant View Post
    I mean, if humans can damn other humans or save other humans
    Humans can't damn or save other humans. That's the Holy Spirit's job. I can't damn you, and I wouldn't even if I could. I can't save you either, but I can tell you how to get saved.

    Originally posted by TrulyTolerant View Post
    How you can, in all good conscience, believe this is beyond me.
    I believe it because God said it. How can you, in all good conscience, NOT believe God's Word?

    Originally posted by TrulyTolerant View Post
    Who are you decide that every man on Earth should have a seat of power with a woman as his footrest?
    I didn't decide it. That's not my opinion; it's God's opinion, and since I'm a Christian I have to accept it. Before I read the Bible, my experience was that women were worth every bit as much as men, that they were just as intelligent and capable as men, that their opinions mattered just as much as those of men, and that they were equally deserving of happiness.

    But once I got saved, I read the Bible and learned God's opinion on the topic, and changed my tune pronto.

    I wrote a sermon on this very topic, and I think you will find it interesting: Follow the Word of God, not your "conscience"

    Pastor Billy-Reuben
    Upon request I will cite scripture for all these facts in God's Holy Word.

    ✝ This is a Christian community and we worship GOD of the Holy bible, the only Living GOD. We worship Jesus Christ, Son of GOD and Savior. Anything else is absurd. ✝
    Trump / Arpaio 2016 -- The Government We Deserve



    • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

      Oh my god. You HIT her? thats is the most unethical thing i can think of! your a piece of gay flaming shit


      • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

        Originally posted by Atheism=win View Post
        Oh my god. You HIT her? thats is the most unethical thing i can think of! your a piece of gay flaming shit
        That is rich coming from a monkey worship atheist who doubtless spends most of his time playing some on line computer game just to have cyber sex.

        Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

        Hot Must ReadThreads!

        Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


        • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

          Originally posted by Atheism=win View Post
          Oh my god. You HIT her? thats is the most unethical thing i can think of! your a piece of gay flaming shit
          In what way is it "unethical" to follow our Creator's instructions and use the rod of correction as warranted?

          Liberal pansies like you make me want to puke.

          Pastor Billy-Reuben
          Upon request I will cite scripture for all these facts in God's Holy Word.

          ✝ This is a Christian community and we worship GOD of the Holy bible, the only Living GOD. We worship Jesus Christ, Son of GOD and Savior. Anything else is absurd. ✝
          Trump / Arpaio 2016 -- The Government We Deserve



          • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

            Originally posted by landover=fail
            how come the forgiving bobby-joes picture is of the ku klux klan?
            doesnt seem very forgiving or equal to me
            He is wearing a the traditional fire retardant robe of the Landover security force. We can't help it if the KKK stole the design and insignia. We aren't going to stop using the traditional robes and insignia, because that means the KKK wins, and you don't want that, do you?

            Pastor Billy-Reuben
            Upon request I will cite scripture for all these facts in God's Holy Word.

            ✝ This is a Christian community and we worship GOD of the Holy bible, the only Living GOD. We worship Jesus Christ, Son of GOD and Savior. Anything else is absurd. ✝
            Trump / Arpaio 2016 -- The Government We Deserve



            • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

              Originally posted by landover=fail

              color equality
              Those colors aren't equal.
              May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


              • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                well said atheism=win! i could not have said it better myself,but i am sure our "friends" here at landover don't like it...well said well said


                • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                  Originally posted by avenger View Post
                  well said atheism=win! i could not have said it better myself,but i am sure our "friends" here at landover don't like it...well said well said

                  Thank you, i believe these people need to treat colors and genders equal! COLOR AND GENDER EQUALITY


                  • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                    Originally posted by Atheism=win View Post
                    Thank you, i believe these people need to treat colors and genders equal! COLOR AND GENDER EQUALITY
                    Well, that's just ducky, but no one here cares how YOU think we should behave. We only care how God says we should behave.

                    Pastor Billy-Reuben
                    Upon request I will cite scripture for all these facts in God's Holy Word.

                    ✝ This is a Christian community and we worship GOD of the Holy bible, the only Living GOD. We worship Jesus Christ, Son of GOD and Savior. Anything else is absurd. ✝
                    Trump / Arpaio 2016 -- The Government We Deserve



                    • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                      Originally posted by Pastor Billy-Reuben View Post
                      He is wearing a the traditional fire retardant robe of the Landover security force. We can't help it if the KKK stole the design and insignia. We aren't going to stop using the traditional robes and insignia, because that means the KKK wins, and you don't want that, do you?

                      Pastor Billy-Reuben

                      Lol they took it from you because they couldnt think of anything worse


                      • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                        Originally posted by Atheism=Nothing View Post
                        Thank you, i believe these people need to treat colors and genders equal! COLOR AND GENDER EQUALITY
                        What is with your pagan obsession with colors? Where in the KJV1611 Holy Bible does it talk about the values of colors?

                        If I remember correctly the Romans that oppressed the first Christians wore a lot of purple...


                        • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                          to reply to the origional post......
                          why would anybody think its ok to beat a woman. theres no reason for it.


                          • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                            Originally posted by boondox View Post
                            to reply to the origional post......
                            why would anybody think its ok to beat a woman. theres no reason for it.
                            If you had bothered to read the rest of the thread before inserting your uninformed opinion, you would have seen that there is plenty of good Christian reasons for it -- not least of which, God says it's a good idea:

                            Prov 20:30 The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly.

                            According to scripture, nothing says God's Love quite like a back full of bruises and a belly full of welts.

                            Pastor Billy-Reuben
                            Upon request I will cite scripture for all these facts in God's Holy Word.

                            ✝ This is a Christian community and we worship GOD of the Holy bible, the only Living GOD. We worship Jesus Christ, Son of GOD and Savior. Anything else is absurd. ✝
                            Trump / Arpaio 2016 -- The Government We Deserve



                            • Re: When is it right to beat a woman?

                              Originally posted by Teflon© View Post
                              Boy, you must either spend a fortune on dentist bills to get those teeth fixed again or being stuck up with a toothless troll.
                              Inbreds don't have many teeth.


                              • Re: when is it OK to beat a woman?

                                Originally posted by boondox View Post
                                to reply to the origional post......
                                why would anybody think its ok to beat a woman. theres no reason for it.
                                You're either a queer, or have no idea what it's like to be married.

                                Women are simple creatures, give them an inch and they want a mile. You don't want a wife thinking above her station, then where would we be?? It's a man's job to keep his woman in her place.

                                Just look at the state of the World because of so-called 'women's rights'. Fatherless families, broken homes, single mothers - all because of the Feminist Agenda. Do you think women are happy with these rights?? Women today have too many rights for their pretty little heads to handle. No wonder so many women are in councelling. Maybe if their husbands HAD beaten them black and blue they would have stayed content in their marriage, instead of filing for Divorce.

                                A good beating every now and again is imperative to keep our wives (or potential wives) in check. Remember, a beating isn't something we do TO our wives, it is something we do FOR them. My dear Fiancee' has no complaints when I take my fists to her, because she knows she's done something to deserve it. Either by her constant whining or gossiping or complaining. No man should have to put up with a nagging wife, that is why it must be beaten out of them before it starts.

                                Being dragged around the house by her hair and kicked in the head never done any harm to my mother, and my parents have been together for over 50 years of happy Marriage. How many marriages can you say the same about, friend?

