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  • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

    Originally posted by dwk8102 View Post
    I'm sure I could be the perfect Dad And/Or Husband 38 , Welsh/British And fed up of the old whoree wh's asleep next to me right now.. Stupid, Old , Frigid piffleing slag.. PLEASE LORD Send me a SISTER From another Mister -- As anything has to better than this.. come on down ladies s xxxxxxxxx

    Here are a few tips to start. Please feel free to add your own suggestions. I'm sure the single ladies will appreciate it.

    #1: Touch his arm when you are speaking to him. This will get his attention.

    #2: Send him a random text message midday. A True Christian man will appreciate a special scripture quote.

    #3: Ask him a question about sothing he knows a lot about (such JESUS or fixing cars or mowing the lawn)

    #4: Give him a very specific compliment. Always make the compliment sincere.

    (Telling a guy he's funny, handsome, or smart or extra GODLY is always appreciated but don't be too flirty, he will think you are a whore)

    #5: Show off your cooking talents by baking him his favorite pie or a nice pot roast after Church on Sunday.

    #6: Show off your cleaning abilities by cleaning his house on a weekly basis.

    #7: Wash his feet like you would for JESUS.

    Dating news flash: Guys like to show off for you. So if your True Christian gentleman could use an ego boost, there's nothing like letting him feel like an expert. Ask him about fishing, JESUS, how to BBQ the perfect pig -- whatever he's in to. Just remember to nod frequently and look really interested (but not like a whore).
    Hello, and welcome to , at . It appears that you are new here, and we would love to get to know you. Please visit our Introduction Forum, where you can post a message to introduce yourself to the believers here at .

    The link to our Introduction Forum is below, and you can post your message by clicking on the blue "New Thread" button on the upper left of your screen.

    Attention Unsaved Trash: This the ONLY subforum you can start threads in. Here is where you introduce yourself. Tell us what church you go to and what your favorite Bible verse is and how you came to find Jesus.

    Thank you, and may God richly bless you, as you seek as your and here, at ... Sincerely, Isabella W.
    (Mrs.) Isabella White

    Hebrews 10:19 " Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the of "


    • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

      Sisters, you need read no further than this:

      Originally posted by dwk8102 View Post
      I'm sure I could be the perfect Dad And/Or Husband 38 , Welsh

      It's not you he's after, it's your father's livestock.
      Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


      • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

        I have often wondered why the Welsh are permitted to roam free and live so close to decent, wholesome Americans like the Irish. I can understand Brits falling under their spell, but wow.

        All I can say is I am glad no Welshman has ever stepped foot inside the United States of America. Try to steal OUR livestock, buddy.

        Proverbs 21:31 KJV 1611:
        “The horse is prepared against the day of battell: but safetie is of the Lord.”

        Lord, may I serve my equine brothers and sisters just as I do my fellow man.
        Amen and Amen


        • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

          Originally posted by BrotherLarry View Post
          All I can say is I am glad no Welshman has ever stepped foot inside the United States of America. Try to steal OUR livestock, buddy.
          Perhaps I should have been clearer, Brother Larry. They don't steal them so much as - oh dear, how can I put it politely?- attempt to breed with them. They usually restrict themselves to sheep, as cows and horses are too tall (the Welsh have unnaturally short legs and don't have the sense to take a box to stand on).
          Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


          • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

            Oh no!

            As someone who works closely with animals and loves them so deeply I cannot comprehend this at all. The Welsh must be put to an end at once.
            Proverbs 21:31 KJV 1611:
            “The horse is prepared against the day of battell: but safetie is of the Lord.”

            Lord, may I serve my equine brothers and sisters just as I do my fellow man.
            Amen and Amen


            • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

              Originally posted by BrotherLarry View Post
              Oh no!

              As someone who works closely with animals and loves them so deeply I cannot comprehend this at all. The Welsh must be put to an end at once.
              brother Larry, aren't good husbands hard to find in this times? I think one needs to ask the Holy Spirit to direct one to the right partner.what you say sir?
              John chapter 15 verses 13-14
              Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

              You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.


              • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

                Originally posted by Collinslaw View Post
                brother Larry, aren't good husbands hard to find in this times? I think one needs to ask the Holy Spirit to direct one to the right partner.what you say sir?
                Why would you be praying to find a right husband, dear? You should rather be praying for a wife, like God commands!
                God created fossils to test our faith.

                * * *

                My favorite LBC sermons:
                True Christians are Perfect!
                True Christian™ Love.
                Salvation™ made Easy!
                You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe the Old Testament.
                Jesus is impolite. Deal with it.
                Jesus is xenophobic and so should we.
                Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept.
                Biblical view on modern-day slavery.
                The Immorality of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
                Geneva Conventions vs. The Holy Bible.
                God HATES Rational Thinking!
                True Christian™ Man as a spitting image of God.


                • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

                  Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
                  Why would you be praying to find a right husband, dear? You should rather be praying for a wife, like God commands!
                  Yes,that's true.I used my former message as a general example. Thanks
                  John chapter 15 verses 13-14
                  Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

                  You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.


                  • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

                    Originally posted by Collinslaw View Post
                    Yes,that's true.I used my former message as a general example. Thanks
                    Dear Mr. Collinslaw: And are you sure you are truthfully following the Scriptural commands as found in the ? Are you seriously seeking a wife (a true, real female, and not one of those "conversion perversion" types)? Are you living a life that is entirely pleasing to , with no hidden sin, such as clinging to old habits or sneaking onto naughty areas of the Internet?

                    Genesis 2:18 "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

                    Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

                    I realize these questions are of a somewhat personal nature, but we can't be too careful here, at . I pray you will be faithful always to , and honest with the believers here at . Sincerely, Isabella W.
                    (Mrs.) Isabella White

                    Hebrews 10:19 " Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the of "


                    • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

                      Originally posted by Isabella White View Post
                      Dear Mr. Collinslaw: And are you sure you are truthfully following the Scriptural commands as found in the ? Are you seriously seeking a wife (a true, real female, and not one of those "conversion perversion" types)? Are you living a life that is entirely pleasing to , with no hidden sin, such as clinging to old habits or sneaking onto naughty areas of the Internet?

                      Genesis 2:18 "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

                      Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

                      I realize these questions are of a somewhat personal nature, but we can't be too careful here, at . I pray you will be faithful always to , and honest with the believers here at . Sincerely, Isabella W.
                      Yes,ma'am. Its not by my strength to do righteousness.

                      Zechariah 4:6

                      So he answered me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by strength or by might, but by my Spirit,’says the Lord of Armies. ‘What are you, great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain.

                      As a true Christian, I look for a true Christian wife. I rarely see Christian women who obey God's word here.many of them live a godless life,I love so much Jesus. I really yearn and desire for a true Christian wife among these godless heathens all over the world. A true Christian woman(single) is like precious stones,shines like diamonds curves,beautiful as pure gold and beaming with that pure light of grace and truth from the Father. I really want one as my wife
                      John chapter 15 verses 13-14
                      Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

                      You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.


                      • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

                        Originally posted by Collinslaw View Post
                        As a true Christian, I look for a true Christian wife. I rarely see Christian women who obey God's word HERE.
                        Dear Mr. Collinslaw: can you please explain why you think you rarely see Christian women who obey God's word HERE? May I remind you of where you are? This is , . I can assure you, sincerely and wholeheartedly, that our women HERE do their best to live lives that are entirely dedicated and pleasing to the Will of the . As a woman of advanced years, and a very devoted , I take exception to your comment that HERE, you rarely see Christian women who obey God's word.

                        And I might well advise you that this, HERE, is not a dating site, either. Our believers here come together to worship and to the glorify the Name of the Risen HERE. Fleshly delights are of no interest to us HERE, at . Sincerely, Isabella W., HERE at .
                        (Mrs.) Isabella White

                        Hebrews 10:19 " Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the of "


                        • Re: How to Land a Good Husband

                          Originally posted by Isabella White View Post
                          Dear Mr. Collinslaw: can you please explain why you think you rarely see Christian women who obey God's word HERE? May I remind you of where you are? This is , . I can assure you, sincerely and wholeheartedly, that our women HERE do their best to live lives that are entirely dedicated and pleasing to the Will of the . As a woman of advanced years, and a very devoted , I take exception to your comment that HERE, you rarely see Christian women who obey God's word.

                          And I might well advise you that this, HERE, is not a dating site, either. Our believers here come together to worship and to the glorify the Name of the Risen HERE. Fleshly delights are of no interest to us HERE, at . Sincerely, Isabella W., HERE at .
                          when I said "here", I meant where I am living, thanks
                          John chapter 15 verses 13-14
                          Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

                          You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.


                          • Mr. Etheldreda prefers my silence to laughing at his jokes, and says he would rather I leave him alone altogether. He's a good man. A strong man.
                            Hello, my name is Mary. I hope to fellowship with you! That is, unless you don't listen to church authority (Deuteronomy 17:12); are a witch (Exodus 22:17); are a homosexual (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32); or fortuneteller (Leviticus 20:27) or a snotty kid who hits their dad (Exodus 21:15); or curses their parents (Proverbs 20:20; Leviticus 20:9); an adulterer (Leviticus 20:10); a non-Christian (Exodus 22:19; Deuteronomy 13:7-12; Deuteronomy 17:2-5;Romans 1:24-32); an atheist (2 Chronicles 15:12-13); or false prophet (Zechariah 13:3); from the town of one who worships another, false god (Deuteronomy 13:13-19); were a non-virgin bride (Deuteronomy 22:20-21); or blasphemer (Leviticus 24:10-16), as God calls for your execution and will no doubt send you to Hell, and I have no interest developing a friendship with the Spiritually Walking Dead.


                            • Originally posted by Mary Etheldreda View Post
                              Mr. Etheldreda prefers my silence to laughing at his jokes, and says he would rather I leave him alone altogether. He's a good man. A strong man.
                              I am generally of the opinion that women are like tax collectors--the less you hear from them, the better. It's heartening to see a woman who knows her place and obeys her husband as the Bible commands.

                              The Christian Right: The Only Right Way to Be a Christian!


                              • For those eating garlic, how'd attracting others be expected to run?

                                (From time to time I encounter these wretches, the things they suggest!) Poo

                                so they say

