Guess what has the ultra-Liberal Huffington Post in a tizzy? Give up? Christmas carols! They ran a story today about a new initiative in California that would required MANDATORY CHRISTMAS CAROLS IN ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Now do you think they supported such a moral Christian law? Of course not. if you can believe it, they spun it as a BAD thing! That this is sponsored by the patriotic Tea Baggers is another reason the liberal left hates this.
The language of the proposed law makes it clear that this is mandatory on all public schools. Section 52712(a) states that all schools "shall provide opportunities to its pupils for listenign to or performing Christmas music at an appropriate time of the year." Anyone familiar with scripture knows that a writer has a choice between "may" and "shall." "May" makes things optional while "shall" makes them mandatory. besides, "may" is for limp-wristed nancy-boy legislators. Can you imagine God telling us "You MAY outlaw murder?" If the liberals had their way, they would change all of the laws to be optional. (By the way, this is why May is the WORST month of the year! We need a constitutional amendment to change it to Shalltember.)
Then, just to hammer the holiness of Christ's birthday home, section 52713(a) makes it clear that anyone can force the schools to comply by suing them: "[T]his article may be enforced by a civil action brought in superior court...."
That said, this initiative may not go far enough. I think the good commentators on the New America Foundation blog story about this got it right. One poster said, "The initiative doesn't solve the problem she's trying to solve; it does not require "Jesus" to show up in any of the songs."
But, in the end, it is a good first step. As another poster said, "David Joseph Hyatt and Merry Susan Hyatt are to be commended for their putting Christ back in Christmas. Our cultural [sic] is being destroyed because of not offending some minority religion or atheist promoted by a miscule [sic] disullisioned [sic] minority." I am not quite sure what they are saying, but I will give them an "Amen!" for the clause I highlighted in bold.
It is good to know that there are like-minded people just like us in the Tea Party Movement who know that Biblical law MUST be brought back to the United States so that we can eradicate the non-believers and that this is the first step to a new Holy Land! I am seriously considering transferring my academic exchange program to a California university of theological law so I can vote in favor of this amendment. They just outlawed homersexuals there and now this? California may have come to Jesus!
The language of the proposed law makes it clear that this is mandatory on all public schools. Section 52712(a) states that all schools "shall provide opportunities to its pupils for listenign to or performing Christmas music at an appropriate time of the year." Anyone familiar with scripture knows that a writer has a choice between "may" and "shall." "May" makes things optional while "shall" makes them mandatory. besides, "may" is for limp-wristed nancy-boy legislators. Can you imagine God telling us "You MAY outlaw murder?" If the liberals had their way, they would change all of the laws to be optional. (By the way, this is why May is the WORST month of the year! We need a constitutional amendment to change it to Shalltember.)
Then, just to hammer the holiness of Christ's birthday home, section 52713(a) makes it clear that anyone can force the schools to comply by suing them: "[T]his article may be enforced by a civil action brought in superior court...."
That said, this initiative may not go far enough. I think the good commentators on the New America Foundation blog story about this got it right. One poster said, "The initiative doesn't solve the problem she's trying to solve; it does not require "Jesus" to show up in any of the songs."
But, in the end, it is a good first step. As another poster said, "David Joseph Hyatt and Merry Susan Hyatt are to be commended for their putting Christ back in Christmas. Our cultural [sic] is being destroyed because of not offending some minority religion or atheist promoted by a miscule [sic] disullisioned [sic] minority." I am not quite sure what they are saying, but I will give them an "Amen!" for the clause I highlighted in bold.
It is good to know that there are like-minded people just like us in the Tea Party Movement who know that Biblical law MUST be brought back to the United States so that we can eradicate the non-believers and that this is the first step to a new Holy Land! I am seriously considering transferring my academic exchange program to a California university of theological law so I can vote in favor of this amendment. They just outlawed homersexuals there and now this? California may have come to Jesus!