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  • Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

    Fox News has an important message for singles looking to get married:
    "We are — we keep marrying other species and other ethnics and other ... See, the problem is the Swedes have pure genes. Because they marry other Swedes .... Fins marry other Fins, so they have a pure society....we marry Italians and Irish."

    I think this video speaks for itself: if you marry "impure species" like "Italians" you'll get dementia.

    Americans are obeying Fox News already:
    Pool Boots Kids Who Might "Change the Complexion"

    "I heard this lady, she was like, 'Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?' She's like, 'I'm scared they might do something to my child,'" said camper Dymire Baylor...

    "When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool," Horace Gibson, parent of a day camp child, wrote in an email. "The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately."

    "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club said in a statement.

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  • #2
    Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

    The truth about having coloreds in a pool is that they mess up the water. The oil they put in their hair floats on top of the water like scum, not to mention the bodily secretions and fluids they emit. Plus, what are they doing in there anyway? Everybody knows coloreds can't swim. Judging by the smell of them, they don't even take showers.

    I hope that pool posted security officers at the lockers after they kicked the coloreds out. They will steal anything they can get their filthy little hands on. My husband can tell you all about it since he's an Officer Of The Law.
    Let Jesus Christ Wash You Clean
    in 2016


    • #3
      Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

      Originally posted by VictoryOS View Post
      My husband can tell you all about it since he's an Officer Of The Law.
      Yes, it's true. Back out east, we had these colored kids that would go swimming, and sure enough, as soon as you got enough of the little buggers in the pool, all the poor decent white kids would have to get out to avoid infections and cancer.

      I knew what was going on, so I chased all the blacks out of the pool. They wouldn't leave, and since my job is to keep order as well as solve problems, I called in some buddies from the fire department and we hosed down the black kids with a fire hydrant. That way, the white kids could have the pool and the blacks could cool off. You wouldn't believe how sensitive their skin is, it just peels off in strips.
      Latest Headlines From Sheriff's Office:

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      Sheriff Richards cleans up 4-way stop

      Sheriff Richards busts Arch Nemesis, Shane!

      FPD to Enforce the No-Lifeguard-But-Jesus Ordinance

      Sheriff Don W. Richards Cleans Up County Roads


      • #4
        Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

        I certainly don't want to be swimming near someone with dreadlocks!
        May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


        • #5
          Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

          How are all these Americans breeding with these greasy Eye-talians and other unsavory races? I've never seen a European woman's nether regions but I've always assumed that copulating with one would be like trying to plug my electric shaver into a European power outlet.

          That isn't gonna fit...


          • #6
            Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

            I went to the link about the black kids and the pool and found a hilarious, related story: Black Man Dies By Falling Into Melted Chocolate.

            I really enjoyed some of the comments people left about it. It just goes to show, there's still happiness and humor in this world!


            "i wonder, as he was drowning in chocolate, did he pause and think, "boy, we make some good chocolate"

            "that's probably one of the best ways to go out... drowning in choco? its a tragedy he died yes, but this is definitely on my top 10 dream deaths..."

            "And to make matters worse, once he was covered in that chocolate he was not allowed to go swimming at a local swimming pool."

            "Did he change the complexion of the chocolate?"

            "I don't want to make fun but all I can think is AUGUSTUS sweet heart, save room for later."

            Watch the #1 Televangelist Gospel Hour in the World! "Turn or Burn: Accept Christ or Go to Hell with Rev. Jim Osborne." Check your local cable listings.


            • #7
              Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

              Originally posted by Rev. Jim Osborne View Post
              found a hilarious, related story: Black Man Dies By Falling Into Melted Chocolate.

              I really enjoyed some of the comments people left about it. It just goes to show, there's still happiness and humor in this world!
              This is no laughing matter. Due to that worker's carelessness, an entire batch of his employer's work has been ruined. Hopefully now that there is one less wage to pay, he can still turn a profit.
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              • #8
                Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

                Praise! Godly Republicans have been warning against inter-species marriage for years now, it's good to see the media finally paying attention.
                Originally posted by GODLY Rick Santorum
                Every society in the history of man has upheld the institution of marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. Why? Because society is based on one thing: that society is based on the future of the society. And that's what? Children. Monogamous relationships. In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.
                I think we can add "man on Irishwoman" to that list.
                O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

                God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


                • #9
                  Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"
                  "This has nothing to do with race," member Lori Slowinski said. "I paid my money for a private swim club…if they're gonna have it out to camps, then I want my money back."
                  See? The customer is always right. If someone pays money to swim in a negro-free pool, then that's his right and it has nothing to do with race. There were too many people in the pool, and that's all. Just like the so-called "holocaust", when a few thousand people got deported and/or died because there turned out to be too many people in Europe,

                  And forget about compromises like letting all the kids take turns in the pool, it's not a crowding issue, it's a slimey brown gunk accumulating in the pool issue.

                  The internet's #1 Republican forum provides insight:

                  I DON’T WANT TO BE RACIST. I DON’T WANT TO PREJUDGE BASED ON SKIN COLOR. But they’ve given us no choice.
                  "96% of blacks supported Zero in November. A group of 50 blacks set upon whites for being white in July. Decades of witnessing life. Those are a few reasons it’s back to the '50s for this white devil, 1750s that is. As much as I can legally discriminate I will discriminate. To paraphrase Marty Balin: Everything they say we are, I'll be. Wasn’t always this way. It is now."
                  So these poor black kids can just go get a job and earn money and buy their own damn pool and treat that pool with respect and not shit in it.....do you freaking understand me? Do you freaking hear me? I have had it with freaking poor black kids who get away with murder! Stop defending them it is their fault they got their selves into this.
                  it looks to me as if poor black people act this way all the time. I can’t say that I want them in my neighborhood.....

                  I tell you what it is... and stop it right now....just stop it.... I don’t want to be brought down to their level!!! Okay!! So just shut up! These poor back ghetto kids destroyed their own pools so they have no where to go! That is their own fault! Now this pool does not want them because they down want the poor black kids doing the same to their pool, and we all know this to be true! Do not deny the truth. We all know it to be true. These poor black kids can just do with out until they can learn to treat what they have with respect...which I fear is NEVER. They feel they are owed...and we owe them NOTHING!!! So these poor black kids can just go get a job and earn money and buy their own damn pool and treat that pool with respect and not shit in it.....do you freaking understand me? Do you freaking hear me? I have had it with freaking poor black kids who get away with murder! Stop defending them it is their fault they got their selves into this.
                  Whites ALWAYS grovel. We have become a pathetic people and it is no wonder we are losing America
                  we can no longer afford to give people the benefit of the doubt simply because we do not know them personally. Our tolerance in this area has the effect of shredding the fabric of our society. It has nothing to do with being hateful, racist, or biased. It is merely a desire to maintain our society and culture.
                  The same anti-white and culture destroying crowd is at it again. Of course the MSM doing what they do best leading the lemmings where they want them to go.
                  Perhaps if these urban youths were not feral in their behavior, and had some kind of adult supervision, this would not be an issue. Sadly, to be a heathen is the norm in the ghetto. No personal responsibility, no sense of proper behavior, no thought of others: that’s the feral way, and it is near-universal in the ‘hood. It is the norm.
                  Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 03-07-2012, 12:06 PM.
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                  • #10
                    Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

                    This segregated pool is an outrage! Rev. Jesse Jackson called me on my cell phone yesterday asking if I could make it out to Philadelphia to protest the racist white people.

                    Unfortunately I cannot as I am going to be going into female surgery tomorrow to scrape some cysts of my ovaries. They've swelled up pretty bad. It's affected other parts of my female anatomy, and I have this mysterious, smelling drip coming out. Never seen that before. I also have a monster case of hemmorhoids that keep bleeding every time I wipe. When I look in the mirror they look like overgorged leeches growing out of my body.

                    I don't see why anybody would not want to share a swimming pool with me. If they leave once I get into the water, they are nothing but a racist, hateful scumbag that deserves to be kicked out of this country.

                    Professor Emerita of African-American Studies at UC Berkeley


                    • #11
                      Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

                      Originally posted by Professor Tyeisha X View Post
                      This segregated pool is an outrage! Rev. Jesse Jackson called me on my cell phone yesterday asking if I could make it out to Philadelphia to protest the racist white people.

                      Unfortunately I cannot as I am going to be going into female surgery tomorrow to scrape some cysts of my ovaries. They've swelled up pretty bad. It's affected other parts of my female anatomy, and I have this mysterious, smelling drip coming out. Never seen that before. I also have a monster case of hemmorhoids that keep bleeding every time I wipe. When I look in the mirror they look like overgorged leeches growing out of my body.

                      I don't see why anybody would not want to share a swimming pool with me. If they leave once I get into the water, they are nothing but a racist, hateful scumbag that deserves to be kicked out of this country.

                      Did you have to go into all the gory deatils ?.


                      • #12
                        Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

                        Originally posted by Ofc. Don W. Richards View Post
                        Yes, it's true. Back out east, we had these colored kids that would go swimming, and sure enough, as soon as you got enough of the little buggers in the pool, all the poor decent white kids would have to get out to avoid infections and cancer.

                        I knew what was going on, so I chased all the blacks out of the pool. They wouldn't leave, and since my job is to keep order as well as solve problems, I called in some buddies from the fire department and we hosed down the black kids with a fire hydrant. That way, the white kids could have the pool and the blacks could cool off. You wouldn't believe how sensitive their skin is, it just peels off in strips.
                        Did they bob up and down any way like a bouncing ball? They have an unfair advantage in the water even though they can't swim. Their hair and lips act as a natural floatation device.

                        Tweet me Here
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                        • #13
                          Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

                          Originally posted by BibleThumpinBlonde View Post
                          Did they bob up and down any way like a bouncing ball? They have an unfair advantage in the water even though they can't swim. Their hair and lips act as a natural floatation device.
                          You racist pig of a woman! If anything, I think you would have an unfair advantage in the water with your silicone implants!!! <---racist smiley, should be brown-skinned

                          Professor Emerita of African-American Studies at UC Berkeley


                          • #14
                            Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

                            Originally posted by Professor Tyeisha X View Post
                            You racist pig of a woman! If anything, I think you would have an unfair advantage in the water with your silicone implants!!! <---racist smiley, should be brown-skinned
                            You take that back right now, you hellbound feminazi freak. Sister Thumper is a fine, upstanding Christian lady. What are you? You're nothing but a rabble rouser. Satan smiles every time you make one of your ridiculous arguments. If you hate America so much, go on down to Cuba.
                            Let Jesus Christ Wash You Clean
                            in 2016


                            • #15
                              Re: Fox news: Don't marry "other species/ethnics"

                              Originally posted by Professor Tyeisha X View Post
                              You racist pig of a woman! If anything, I think you would have an unfair advantage in the water with your silicone implants!!! <---racist smiley, should be brown-skinned
                              Notice how Negroes are unpredictably violent, lashing out at normal people for no apparent reason? This "Professor" wanted to fly to Philadelphia to stoke racism with her angry mob of "friends" and engage in provocative protests. Then, when Negroes are complemented for being able to float by Sister BTB, the Sassy Negress lashes out in a violent and hateful explosion of aggressive and abusive language!!!

                              This is an excellent example of how the Negro race is quick-tempered, ruled by their raw jungle impluses, and prone to violence.

