A new study has proved, once and for all, that Muslims don't really believe in Islam. They are all just depressed. The study reviewed hundreds of suicide bombers (Muslims) and found that an extremely high percentage of the exhibited depression and suicidal tendencies. The report concludes that all suicide bombers are just depressed but they don't want to commit a sin. (Unlike the Holy Bible, The True Word Of God, the koran has explicit and strict prohibitions against suicide.) So instead of manning up and just hanging themselves, they use their pretend faith in Islam as an excuse to kill themselves. They think, "Since I committed suicide in a holy effort, I am a martyr and NOT a sinning heathen who simply committed suicide. Because if I DID simply kill myself I would go to Hell. So I uh....believe in Islam and I am a holy hero. Yeah...that's the ticket! Boom!"
One of the anecdotes in the report is enlightening:
Now you, like me, probably just think "Well, he is a towel-head mooslim; they can't do anything right. He just screwed up." But this report finds that this was done not because he was an incompetent camel jockey, but because he just wanted to kill himself without harming others and he used his religion as an excuse to make himself feel good about what he wanted to do anyway.
Since all muslims are suicide bombers, this report proves that all muslims don't really believe in Islam. They just want to kill themselves and have found the one religion that gives them a loophole that lets them do what they want.
One of the anecdotes in the report is enlightening:
Qari Sami did something strange the day he killed himself. The university student from Kabul had long since grown a bushy, Taliban-style beard and favored the baggy tunics and trousers of the terrorists he idolized. He had even talked of waging jihad. But on the day in 2005 that he strapped the bomb to his chest and walked into the crowded Kabul Internet cafe, Sami kept walking — between the rows of tables, beyond the crowd, along the back wall, until he was in the bathroom, with the door closed.
And that is where, alone, he set off his bomb.
The blast killed a customer and a United Nations worker, and injured five more. But the carnage could have been far worse.
And that is where, alone, he set off his bomb.
The blast killed a customer and a United Nations worker, and injured five more. But the carnage could have been far worse.
Since all muslims are suicide bombers, this report proves that all muslims don't really believe in Islam. They just want to kill themselves and have found the one religion that gives them a loophole that lets them do what they want.