I invite all humans, whether male or female, to venture to the Isle of Lesbos and embrace the passion found therein. No, not an actual journey to the island, although that is also pleasurable - I am speaking of embracing the virtues of woman-love because it is one of the purest forms of love endowed by the goddesses and gods of the world. In Lesbianism, one enjoys the honey and milk of human kindness, free from the piercing and penetration of the patriarchal phallus. No need for intrusions into the psyche, but instead a simple release of will, self, and physicality while inviting love, peace, and the matriarchal virtues of healing, childbirth, sensitivity, and sensuality into our hearts and minds. It matters not what gender you claim or what physical form your body takes. Won't you come with me to the Isle of Love - the Isle of Lesbos? 
Won't you join me in blessing yourselves with the blessings that only one person can give to another? Won't you share joy and love and peace and freedom with another soul? Come with me now! Take my hand. I share with you my heart.
In secular pluralistic oneness,
Mike H.

Won't you join me in blessing yourselves with the blessings that only one person can give to another? Won't you share joy and love and peace and freedom with another soul? Come with me now! Take my hand. I share with you my heart.

In secular pluralistic oneness,
Mike H.