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  • #16
    Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

    Historically Jesus could not have been as old as 46 at the time of His crucifixion.

    The taxing that Luke 2:1-2 mentions most probably took place in 7 BC.

    Pilate was prefect of Judaea between 26 AD and 37 AD.

    Hence Jesus must have been between the age of 33 and 44 when He was crucified.
    Matt 5:17-20 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:..."


    • #17
      Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

      Originally posted by Holyfield View Post
      Historically Jesus could not have been as old as 46 at the time of His crucifixion.

      The taxing that Luke 2:1-2 mentions most probably took place in 7 BC.

      Pilate was prefect of Judaea between 26 AD and 37 AD.

      Hence Jesus must have been between the age of 33 and 44 when He was crucified.
      Holyfield, we know that Jesus was born during the reigns of Herod the Great (37-4 BC) and Caesar Augustus (27 BC-14 AD). The only pieces of the puzzle that may not seem to fit are the timing of the census and Cyrenius' governorship. Josephus suggests that the census took place as late as 6 or 7 AD. But as Christians, if there appears to be a discrepancy between Scripture and secular history and archaeology, we look for answers that confirm the Word of God. There are many theories out there. I did some googling. Some say that Cyrenius served two terms as governor of Syria and that his first term was earlier than Josephus stated. Or that there was more than one census during Caesar Augustus' reign. Or that many years elapsed between the issuing of the decree and Cyrenius' ascension to office and the completion of the census. These sites generally support a relatively late date for the birth of Jesus (by ignoring John's account!), but it goes to show that there are many plausible alternatives. I know I would rather trust the Bible over some old book written by Josephus decades after the events actually occurred. The internal evidence of the Bible suggests Jesus was 46 when He cleansed the Temple. We don't need to twist the Bible to fit history. We need to find possible historical scenarios that fit the Bible.
      sigpicMt 21:42, 44 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes . . . ? And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

      Find out what the Bible says about: Fortnite: Battle Royale, asexuality, shaving, psychiatry, chronic fatigue syndrome, babies


      • #18
        Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

        Originally posted by Pim Pendergast View Post
        We don't need to twist the Bible to fit history. We need to find possible historical scenarios that fit the Bible.
        Amen, Brother Pendergast!

        I make very certain my children know without a doubt the Holy Word of God, found in the King James Version Holy Bible, is Never Wrong! It does NOT need to be re-interpreted to fit modern day so-called scientific discovery. If some discovery conflicts with the Holy Bible, the discovery is mistaken, NOT the Bible!

        A few children take longer to learn this important fact, but each Etheldreda Child does know it now, even if those lessons were painful at the time. I always remind them that while they're on my watch, they will NOT be subjected to the Lies of Satan.

        Hello, my name is Mary. I hope to fellowship with you! That is, unless you don't listen to church authority (Deuteronomy 17:12); are a witch (Exodus 22:17); are a homosexual (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32); or fortuneteller (Leviticus 20:27) or a snotty kid who hits their dad (Exodus 21:15); or curses their parents (Proverbs 20:20; Leviticus 20:9); an adulterer (Leviticus 20:10); a non-Christian (Exodus 22:19; Deuteronomy 13:7-12; Deuteronomy 17:2-5;Romans 1:24-32); an atheist (2 Chronicles 15:12-13); or false prophet (Zechariah 13:3); from the town of one who worships another, false god (Deuteronomy 13:13-19); were a non-virgin bride (Deuteronomy 22:20-21); or blasphemer (Leviticus 24:10-16), as God calls for your execution and will no doubt send you to Hell, and I have no interest developing a friendship with the Spiritually Walking Dead.


        • #19
          Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

          Thank you Pastor Rune Enoe! Your evidence is straight forward and convincing!

          Originally posted by xcalibur1 View Post
          I believe Jesus lived to age 33.
          Random question: does anybody know how/when did this belief start?
          God created fossils to test our faith.

          * * *

          My favorite LBC sermons:
          True Christians are Perfect!
          True Christian™ Love.
          Salvation™ made Easy!
          You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe the Old Testament.
          Jesus is impolite. Deal with it.
          Jesus is xenophobic and so should we.
          Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept.
          Biblical view on modern-day slavery.
          The Immorality of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
          Geneva Conventions vs. The Holy Bible.
          God HATES Rational Thinking!
          True Christian™ Man as a spitting image of God.


          • #20
            Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

            Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
            Thank you Pastor Rune Enoe! Your evidence is straight forward and convincing!

            Random question: does anybody know how/when did this belief start?
            Well first of all is the Catholic assumption that the current Calendar is based on Jesus birth. They know better than that. It was started by Ceaser and then edited a few times. There is no proof that Jesus was born December 25, 1 BC, but don't tell the fuzzy bunnies that.

            According to Luke 3:23 Jesus was baptized when he was "about thirty years of age". Somehow people forget that "about" part, and demand that he was baptized on his 30th birthday or something like that.

            It also seems that people take the quote that Pastor Enoe posted above to mean that Jesus visited the temple in the 46 year of its existence even though the next verse clearly states that Jesus was speaking about the Temple of his Body.

            As you can see, this is the problem with fuzzy bunny Christians. You take a scripture here and a scripture there, glue the parts you like together, stand on one leg, and squint real hard and there, the Bible says exactly what you want it to say.

            Don't feel bad though. I'm glad you brought this up. I was under the 33-year-od delusion. I'm embarrassed to admit that I had completely missed this post, or if it was ever mentioned in a sermon.
            Drama queen


            • #21
              Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

              Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
              Thank you Pastor Rune Enoe! Your evidence is straight forward and convincing!

              Random question: does anybody know how/when did this belief start?
              Probably the catholics, they invented most of the unbiblical garbage that people believe.

              age of innocence
              infant baptism
              buying your way into heaven

              Basically anything to get the money out of your wallet and to keep you from causing them too much trouble. They used to have a rule (or maybe they still do) that only priests should be able to read the Bible because only priests are "capable of understanding it"

              So they'd all be up there telling us that God demands little boys strip down and grab their ankles, in church, five times per day.
              PROOF: Atheists are too stupid to understand the Bible!

              Proverbs 13:24(KJV): "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

              Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


              • #22
                Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                Originally posted by BelieverInGod View Post
                Well first of all is the Catholic assumption that the current Calendar is based on Jesus birth. They know better than that. It was started by Ceaser and then edited a few times. There is no proof that Jesus was born December 25, 1 BC, but don't tell the fuzzy bunnies that.
                Yes, I knew that. I've heard that Dec. 25 date was chosen to confuse/convince Mithraists that Christ was a new and improved version of the sun god (just one of many examples of twisted mentality of church leaders); at that time, the solstice was on Dec. 25, not 21. I also know that our BC/AD calendar was created by a very confused monk in 4th century AD, who wasn't that good at neither history nor astronomy

                According to Luke 3:23 Jesus was baptized when he was "about thirty years of age". Somehow people forget that "about" part, and demand that he was baptized on his 30th birthday or something like that.
                I don't want to sound nitpicking, but if He was baptized around 30, and then lived to way over 40, then what is leading people to the false assumption that he lived only three years after His baptism?
                God created fossils to test our faith.

                * * *

                My favorite LBC sermons:
                True Christians are Perfect!
                True Christian™ Love.
                Salvation™ made Easy!
                You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe the Old Testament.
                Jesus is impolite. Deal with it.
                Jesus is xenophobic and so should we.
                Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept.
                Biblical view on modern-day slavery.
                The Immorality of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
                Geneva Conventions vs. The Holy Bible.
                God HATES Rational Thinking!
                True Christian™ Man as a spitting image of God.


                • #23
                  Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                  Originally posted by Seth Campbell View Post
                  Basically anything to get the money out of your wallet and to keep you from causing them too much trouble. They used to have a rule (or maybe they still do) that only priests should be able to read the Bible because only priests are "capable of understanding it"
                  I could not agree with you more! They don't prohibit people from reading the Bible like they used to, but it is because they can't, not because they don't want to!
                  God created fossils to test our faith.

                  * * *

                  My favorite LBC sermons:
                  True Christians are Perfect!
                  True Christian™ Love.
                  Salvation™ made Easy!
                  You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe the Old Testament.
                  Jesus is impolite. Deal with it.
                  Jesus is xenophobic and so should we.
                  Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept.
                  Biblical view on modern-day slavery.
                  The Immorality of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
                  Geneva Conventions vs. The Holy Bible.
                  God HATES Rational Thinking!
                  True Christian™ Man as a spitting image of God.


                  • #24
                    Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                    Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
                    Yes, I knew that. I've heard that Dec. 25 date was chosen to confuse/convince Mithraists that Christ was a new and improved version of the sun god (just one of many examples of twisted mentality of church leaders); at that time, the solstice was on Dec. 25, not 21. I also know that our BC/AD calendar was created by a very confused monk in 4th century AD, who wasn't that good at neither history nor astronomy

                    I don't want to sound nitpicking, but if He was baptized around 30, and then lived to way over 40, then what is leading people to the false assumption that he lived only three years after His baptism?
                    Okay, this is just from a quick internet search, but it seems to be because only three passovers are mentioned in the Bible (John 2:13 , John 6:4 , and John 13:1 ). So, somehow they're under the assumption that because only 3 Passovers are mentioned, only 3 years went by. Not quite sure where that idea came from, but there it is.

                    I don't remember anything in the Bible saying he only ministered for 2-3 years specifically. If I'm wrong, I pray someone corrects me. I've been a bit addle brained lately.
                    Drama queen


                    • #25
                      Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                      They DIDN'T KNOW He was speaking of the temple of His Body...they thought it was the temple in Jerusalem He just cleansed.

                      As for Irenaeus, Polycarp, etc...they were CATHOLICS. That means I'd think you'd be calling them "hellbound papists"...but I know you and them are all part of the fortress of Churchianity.


                      • #26
                        Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                        Originally posted by Paul Tarzan View Post
                        They DIDN'T KNOW He was speaking of the temple of His Body...they thought it was the temple in Jerusalem He just cleansed.
                        Care to back that up with Scripture?

                        Oh that's right, I forgot. You just pull your religion out of your ass.
                        Who Will Jesus Damn?

                        Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

                        Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

                        Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at TODAY!!


                        • #27
                          Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                          Originally posted by Pastor Ezekiel View Post
                          Care to back that up with Scripture?

                          Oh that's right, I forgot. You just pull your religion out of your ass.
                          The fact that the second sentence started "But" implies there's a CONTRAST between what the Pharisees thought and what He actually meant.

                          Twice near the end of that Gospel, John writes that there are many other things Jesus did which are not written in the Gospels...kinda blows a hole in your "Scripture or it's not so" theory.

                          As for the last sentence, I see you've resorted to vulgarity...that is proof that you've already lost.


                          • #28
                            Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                            Originally posted by Paul Tarzan View Post
                            ...Twice near the end of that Gospel, John writes that there are many other things Jesus did which are not written in the Gospels...
                            SO, if something's NOT there, you feel justified in filling the gaps, HOW?

                            ...kinda blows a hole in your "Scripture or it's not so" theory...
                            As your proferred replacement amounts to: "not Scripture so it is so", not so much.

                            ...As for the last sentence, I see you've resorted to vulgarity...that is proof that you've already lost.
                            Jesus was also quite rude to those who would not listen to Him. Just sayin'.


                            • #29
                              Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                              Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
                              Random question: does anybody know how/when did this belief start?
                              As the Catlick congregations were dwindling over the centuries, I think the Vatican lowered Jesus' age, as the thinking was "Only the Good Die Young" (what with Marilyn and Jimmy Dean and Elvis being so popular with the kids etc...)

                              It really shows you where their thinking is!


                              • #30
                                Re: John 2:20 - How old was Jesus?

                                How old was Jesus? Shall we just say timeless and eternal, duh!

