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  • CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

    (WARNING: Moonbat News Source. Brace yourself for Left Wing Main Stream Media bias)

    BELL, Calif. – Three administrators whose huge salaries sparked outrage in this small blue-collar suburb of Los Angeles have agreed to resign, the City Council said Friday.
    Let me translate: Blue color = welfare queens and illegal aliens mowing lawns.
    Basically a collection of bums looking to LOOT the public treasury.
    The three will not receive severance packages, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday. Rizzo will step down at the end of August and Spaccia will leave at the end of September. Adams will also leave at the end of August, after completing an evaluation of the police department, the Times said.
    For their years of hard work Rizzo, Spaccia and Adams will just get the big boot like there were some union bums or a field hands. No thank you, no "here's something to help you threw the tuff times ahead", just a "f* you and don't let the door hit you on the way out, LUZER"
    The county district attorney's office is investigating to determine if the high salaries for the council members violate any state laws. The City Council also intends to review city salaries, including those of its own members, according to Councilman Luis Artiga and Mayor Oscar Hernandez.
    Now it is a crime to be successful in Obama's America (well be successful when you are white and male)
    However, both men said they considered the City Council pay to be justified.

    "We work a lot. I work with my community every day," the mayor said, as he shook hands with and embraced people leaving the food bank Thursday.

    Council members are on call around the clock, and it is not uncommon for them to take calls in the middle of the night from people reporting problems with city services, Artiga said.
    That's right union bums; REAL Americans work 24/7, not eight hours a day with a lunch break. Maybe if you did some real work you wouldn't be stuck in a lousy $50,000 a year job you dead beat.

    Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

    Hot Must ReadThreads!

    Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!

  • #2
    Re: CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

    I am glad you brought this up, Brother. The goons and thugs under Obama's thrall will stop at NOTHING to turn the ignorant masses wallowing in squalor against their betters.

    The fact is, 99% of Americans are lazy lay-abouts. Just take a look at this graph:

    See? For the past 30 years, the slovenly poor have been coasting along, expecting a handout. Yet the top 1% have been super-busy creating wealth with creative techniques like offshoring and outsourcing and tax havens. Now the Bottom 99% are jealous of what the Top 1% has created from its hard work, creativity and industry, and under Obama's carefully orchestrated direction, they want to take from the rich and give to the lazy poor!! Well, I tell you, that's no way to run a capitalist country. Maybe that's fine for backward socialist regimes like Denmark or Norway, but it won't fly in the land of the free and the home of the brave!!! Support our trooops!!! God Bless the USA!!!!
    Last edited by H. Montague Worthington; 07-23-2010, 06:26 PM.


    • #3
      Re: CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

      I hear you Brother. Way to long has the rich, or as we should properly say REAL Americans been the whipping boys of the Liberal Elites. The Rich (as in REAL Americans) work damn hard for their money. There is a reason they get paid $500,000 a year out of collage; because they were willing to stay up tell 1:00am in the morning negotiating their withering contract with their new employers withering manager.

      Sure the hiring manager just happens to be a frat brother of their but this America and America is about MERIT! Their dad's friends maybe the board of directors, that the CEO and upper management team are from the same collage fraternity, but that is only an OPPORTUNITY. At the end of the day it is about MERIT. MERIT is what got them head of the pack of frat bothers and family friends applying for that position and it their MERIT that makes AMERICA THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH!

      Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

      Hot Must ReadThreads!

      Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


      • #4
        Re: CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

        I've noticed my income grow substantially since I've started televangelizing in the early 1970's. I remember bringing home six figures a year from donations and love offerings and thinking I was rich! Once you break seven figures, then eight figures, you know what real money is. When you actually lose track of how many condos, vacation homes, apartments, houses, and mansions you have all around the globe, then you've made it.

        But Herr Obama and his SS (ACORN and other community activist terrorists) want to put an end to that. Why should I be punished for my success? This is money that I not only earned, but was rewarded by Jesus Christ Himself for spreading the Good News to world. I deserve every penny of my riches.

        I empathize with my fellow 1%ers. We are an oppressed minority in this country. But who will speak out for us? Who will be the voice for such a small group of people? It's high time us top 1% stop lying back and letting socialists like Obama, Pelosi and Reid steal our hard earned money and distribute it to a bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing negroes who do nothing to make this country a better place and instead get fat sitting in front of the TV watching "Who's my Baby's Daddy?" on Maury at 11 am on a weekday instead of going out and working hard like I do!!!!

        Watch the #1 Televangelist Gospel Hour in the World! "Turn or Burn: Accept Christ or Go to Hell with Rev. Jim Osborne." Check your local cable listings.


        • #5
          Re: CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

          Rev Jim I do feel your pain, if it where not for G Bush, we might have had to pay income taxes. But I fear that when Osamba gets done with us we will be forced to live like common people. I for one will have a hard time buying suits from the " Men's warehouse", driving a Buick and eating macaroni and cheese. For goodness sakes I am allergic to polyester. Have you ever worn cotton boxers, I am used to silk.


          • #6
            Re: CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

            I was talking to my friend, Warren Buffet, yesterday and he congratulated me on well I keep my wealth "under the radar."

            He still lives in a modest one-story home in Omaha and told me that he really envied my single-wide here in the park. He kidded me about my moped pointing out it was a year newer than his eight-year-old Buick.

            We compared subordinated debentures in our respective portfolios and he proudly pointed out his ROI was nearly a tenth of a percent higher than mine. I countered that his living in Nebraska was the real reason because their Godly Republican-controlled government keeps tax rates lower than the commie-inspired current leadership in this state. I wept a bit while telling him this.

            We promised each other to keep in touch.

            I then donned my disguise as a poor pensioner and went on my daily trip to pick up pop cans and beer bottles to return them to the convenience store.

            My neighbors will never know how hard I worked for my money in the derivities market and before that as a dot com mogul. (I sold my software company to the Nigerian government and they are still trying to use it to this day to put a stop to all the fraud going on in their internet cafes. I keep getting letters from them demanding a refund but point out Caveat Emptor.)

            My neighbors think I'm one of them and always thank me for handing out shiny new pennies to the children here in the park. Yesterday I give the little tykes nearly twenty-five cents in total.

            Of course, each handout comes with a lecture about how, as they get a little older, they need to drop out of high school early so they get a leg up in joining the workforce we so sorely need. I always point out the benefits of a career in the fast food industry as a way of keeping the economy afloat.
            The Honorable HTannor (Pro NRA, Anti-Homer Marriage), Judge, Freehold Supreme Court

            "Credo elvem etiam vivere"


            • #7
              Re: CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

              Originally posted by H. Montague Worthington View Post
              I am glad you brought this up, Brother. The goons and thugs under Obama's thrall will stop at NOTHING to turn the ignorant masses wallowing in squalor against their betters.

              The fact is, 99% of Americans are lazy lay-abouts. Just take a look at this graph:
              As always, Brother Monty, you make economics simplistic that all may understand. Thank you.

              These graphs are all well and good, but I would ask readers to imagine two people living in a cave; one has $1 and the other $4. It is clear that one has 20% of the wealth and the other 80% but, if that is what they will live on for a week, then they are more or less equal, the distinction is moot.

              A wealthy man may actually have as few outgoings as a poor man and the vast riches behind him are irrelevant. How many times do we hear of a rich person dying and leaving $billions? It was not as if he was spending it and lording it over the less blessed.

              And finally, let us not forget that the rich have a huge and horrible burden, for them the Kingdom of Heaven may be harder to attain and they have to work so much harder to achieve what the poor know will be their final destination.

              “We must reassert that the essence of Christianity is the love of obedience to God’s Laws and that how that complete obedience is used or implemented does not concern us.”

              Author of such illuminating essays as,
              Map of the Known World; Periodic Table of Elements; The History of Linguistics; The Errors of Wicca; Dolphins and Evolution; The History of Landover (The Apology); Landover and the Civil War; 2000 Racial Slurs.


              • #8
                Re: CLASS WARFARE FILES: Bell California

                I wont lie I try to make ends meet the best I can. Believe me the clown business is not a cash cow. But I dont hold it against rich people because they were blessed by God. The Lord gave me my troublesome life as my cross to bear and I consider it a test. Even after being Saved I still go through slight bumps in my life (suicide attempts, drunk driving accidents, trials, felony arrests, etc.) but I feel pretty fortunate to be honest. I'm still hear with the air in my lungs praising JESUS am I not?

                YES! I AM A CLOWN FOR CHRIST! Owner/Operator of Lord's Derisive Laughter Christian Clown Ministry.
                Read my inspiring testimonial of how I came to Christ!
                Rebuko's Sleepover Castle - Let your kids spend the night at my place for a One-Night Jesus Camp experience!

