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  • Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

    It goes without saying that Conservative Fundamentalist True Christians are the most persecuted majority that ever existed. Every day we endure hardships and tribulations that would cause normal people to buckle.

    This thread is where you can tell us about some of the hardest trials you've ever had to go through being a True Christian.

    I will start.

    This happened many years ago when I was a young man in my 20s. I was on fire for GOD and was sharing Him with literally anybody I saw.

    I decided I would devote an entire Sunday afternoon (after church of course) to canvassing my neighborhood with fliers and pamphlets proclaiming GOD's amazing love.

    It was about this time of year, and I was living in Kansas. I recall the thermometer reading something like 102 degrees, but I wasn't going to let Satan keep me down with a little heat wave.

    I had a backpack full of fliers and a belly full of potluck and I hit the streets to start sharing the Good News of JESUS CHRIST.

    By the time I had walked two blocks my shirt was soaked with sweat and my guts were churning. (Mrs. Peterson's famous cheese broccoli casserole.)

    Still, I soldiered on for CHRIST, pinning posters up to telephone poles and various public properties, and going door to door handing out literature.

    After about a half-hour, I was really feeling sick, but I knew it was just Satan punching me in the gut with anger for saving people.

    I knocked on an old woman's door and said "Good afternoon, I'd like to share the Good News of JESUS CHRIST with you!"

    Suddenly, I felt this pain in my stomach and I couldn't go on. It was horrible, I felt like I was going to die. I pleaded, "Oh JESUS help me!"

    The old woman at the door asked me if I was alright, as my face was very red and I was in obvious pain.

    Without a single word, I pushed the old woman out of the way and went tearing through her house, looking frantically for a bathroom. I found the toilet just barely in time before Mrs. Peterson's casserole made an emergency exit.

    I was in that old woman's bathroom for about twenty minutes blasting the sides of her toilet bowl with cheese broccoli casserole and screaming between bursts "It's all for you, JESUS! FOR YOU!"

    I went home after that, but I know that elderly woman must have been impressed with my devotion to GOD even in such a dark hour and she probably became a Christian after that. (I left a flier on her toilet tank.)

    To this day, I still thank GOD that He provided me such an experience, as I learned a lot about being a Christian from it.

    Please, tell us about some of the hardships you have endured in the name of CHRIST!
    The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
    - Proverbs 15:3



  • #2
    Re: Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

    The day I became a True Christian I decided to spread the truth to everyone. When we had lunch at work I would take the time to stand and read from my KJV 1611 Bible to my co-workers why they ate. I had insults hurled at me and once was hit with a Coffee cup. Another time I was spit on by a lady when I jumped out of my car at a Red Light and opened her rear car door to toss in some Christian Literature. Outside a Catholic Church I was pushed away by a group when I stuck Christian Literature in the pockets of some Pallbearers at a Funeral. After all they could not accept it because their hands were full at the time. The list goes on and I'm sure there will be many more instances.


    • #3
      Re: Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

      I feel like I'm under constant attack and as a woman I do not spend a lot of time spreading the word. People are constantly attacking me for homeschooling my children, even though at their young and tender ages they are respectful and can carry on a conversation with an adult. My children have been beaten up by much older children for trying to spread the word of God at 4-H and football.
      Drama queen


      • #4
        Re: Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

        Oh, how I know persecution! As a very visible member of the True Christian(tm) community and as someone who involves himself in the political and social arena advocating God's will, I have been the victim of many attacks against me and my character.

        As you know, back in the late 1980's I was at the height of my career. Time Magazine said the televangelist industry was ruled by the "Three Jims" -- Rev. Jim Bakker, Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, and Rev. Jim Osborne. I was thrilled to be in the company of such holy and pure men. Well, that all came crashing down on me when I made one enemy too much. My ex-wife (who I think was a Christian in name only) had the audacity to believe I was cheating on her, so she hired a private investigator to follow me around on my little jaunts to tropical resorts.

        In Bangkok, I met a young transsexual ("ladyboy") prostitute named Ming that was living a life of sin and filth. I wanted to save this young man/woman, so I offered to take her back up to my penthouse at the Ritz-Carlton for some one-on-one witnessing and testimony. I even brought some of her shemale friends along up to my suite. Well, from the private investigator's standpoint, it appeared I was taking a bunch of tranny hookers up for some kind of orgy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

        Now there were all these rumors and innuendo surrounding me, tarnishing my image. I tried defending myself on live TV, but more ugly stuff floated to the surface. Some hooker in Vegas told A Current Affair that I beat her up in my hotel room and raped her while I was high on coke. A couple of young college girls that used to work for me said that I was constantly trying to seduce them and even groped one on occasion. To make matters worse, this was just after Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart were both revealed to be having affairs. People just naturally assumed because I was a "Rev. Jim" too that it must apply to me.

        As my enemies probed deeper into my life, it was discovered my accountant made a slight error in keeping track of my finances. Apparently I stashed $20 million away (who hasn't cheated on their taxes?) in a couple of dummy companies offshore. My world came crashing down. Soon I found myself standing on trial in a federal court for tax evasion, money laundering, fraud, wire fraud, perjury, and bribery. I was facing so many charges and I prayed to Jesus to find me not guilty. Well they got me on some of the charges and I spent the next several years at the Club Fed in Miami, FL.

        Like Paul, I was persecuted and imprisoned for my beliefs. People do not want to hear the Truth(tm) and will go great lengths to silence those who dare speak out. People resorted to the dirtiest tactics to besmirch my good name. This was my story of persecution. Thank you for listening.

        Watch the #1 Televangelist Gospel Hour in the World! "Turn or Burn: Accept Christ or Go to Hell with Rev. Jim Osborne." Check your local cable listings.


        • #5
          Re: Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

          I am often persecuted because of my involvement in various Creation Education programs. For example, we organized educational summer camps for Baptist kids, teaching them how the atheist mindset works, and how they were treated in the Old Testament, and why God wants to kill people who try to convince us to forsake our faith (Deuteronomy 13:6-10).

          I was then blamed for one unfortunate incident which involved one unsaved spawn of atheist parents, several True Christian™ kids, and some stones that were thrown according to the prescription we read in Deuteronomy. Of course, I tried to explain that we impossibly could teach them the entire Bible in one Summer Camp, which was why we didn't arrive yet at Romans 13:2-6, which teaches us to obey secular law.
          Nevertheless, they kept babbling on about "inciting children to commit hate crimes," and if it weren't for the adequate action of some of the church' best lawyers, I wouldn't be here posting this...
          Sweet Lord Jesus,
          I want to pray for those who persecute me, my Lord.
          Please, treat their children as you treated those of Egypt, when they upset you! (Psalm 135:8-9)
          Dash their little children against the stones for their fathers iniquity! (Psalm 137:8-9)
          Hit them on the cheek, and smash out their teeth! (Psalm 3:7)
          Make their death and descent into Hell swift and terrible! (Psalm 55:15)
          Scatter their broken bodies over the streets of their evil cities, like Benghazi, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Mecca! (Psalm 110:6)
          Praised be Your Glorious Name™.



          • #6
            Re: Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

            I endure constant persecution at the hands of my homosexual neighbours ... Stuart and Andrew? Or is it Anthony? I think that's what their names are anyway, I haven't bothered to commit their details to memory. They are forever rubbing their groin-centered lifestyle in my face, greeting me with cheery "Hello, Mrs. Rogers!" whenever they see me, smiling at me -- I believe this is a method of mockery homosexuals employ when dealing with Christians.

            The very worst persecution event took place last year: I was walking home after church, and as I rounded the corner into my street I could see one of them outside the front of their house, gardening. So I quickened my pace in order to get past him before he could see me ... however, I tripped and took a nasty fall just by their front gate. Satan was particularly powerful that day, as I became quite confused and disoriented. The homosexual, mocking me with phony concern, helped me to my feet and insisted that I come in for a cup of tea. Being in a weakened state, both mentally and physically, I had not the will to refuse.

            I remember very little regarding the interior of their home, except that it was deceptively ordinary; I had to keep visualising the sort of antics they get up to when alone, as it was important that I not lose sight of the fact their house was a den of depravity. The cup of tea was very good though, but I believe this was another form of persecution: I am of the opinion that the best cups of tea are made by Christians, for Christians, and this dreadful man was deliberately tearing my world apart with his Earl Grey. How DARE he! So I quickly downed the tea and left.

            However, I am glad that their persecution of me is so obvious, so blatant; being the trusting and gentle soul that I am, it would be difficult to detect and deal with subtler forms of persecution.
            True Christians are Perfect!

            Signs that you belong to a FALSE Christian Church.

            Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger in Christ.

            For True Christians™ only: please send me Project Habakkuk updates at gertruderogers@landoverbaptist.net. Thank you.


            • #7
              Re: Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

              I can say in all honesty, I have not yet in my 30 some years in Christ, felt persecuted. Perhaps I have not been doing as much as I possibly can in the Lord's name and that in itself gives me course for concern.

              People tend to be quite nice to me over all. Even the local skateboarding ruffians help me with car parking spaces, by yelling out "PARK THERE YOU piffleING RETARD". I just get out and smile and thank them for pointing out such a great spot, just outside the entry to the Mall, but DO I correct them and say "No I am not a Catholic, I am a Baptist" (they always laugh and smile with me in return), perhaps realizing I have quite a large pantry to stock and not being as young as I used to be, pushing that trolley back to a farther space can be quite tiring.

              I have also mentioned on a different thread how well I am treated, even when getting my vehicle fixed. More often than not the service is free! I just start sharing the Lord with them (I always start at Genesis) and they can't get my car fixed quick enough! PRAISE JESUS!!

              So with the above as example of just how well I am liked and treated around these parts, prayed on it and as usual, The Lord lead me to the right verse:

              Matthew 7:7

              Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

              I was later that day flicking through channels to get to ACC (Australian Christian Channel) and came across on some news show :tThe Obama Inauguration.

              I noticed that the beginning of the OBAMANATION(abomination to the Lord on ALL COUNTS) commenced and from there,the overt homersexual participation by "Bishop" Vickie Eugene Robinson, the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington D. C., and a homersexual marching band no less! As you can appreciate I spent much time and near got RSI from all the complaint letters I typed and have continued to every second day!

              The Lord IS truly RIGHT! Seek and ye SHALL find!



              There's Jesus here,
              Just see what He offers me....
              Down here my sins forgiven,
              Up there a home in heaven
              Praise God, That's the way for me!!


              • #8
                Re: Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST

                I can't really say I've had it bad in any way by declaring my Christian beliefs. On the national scene, I believe my stock has gone up because of incident in Washington, DC, last year.

                At one of the big sessions of the US Conference of Mayors, I had a front row seat with the other celeb Mayors. I was chatting with Bloomberg when the "opening prayer" was announced. It was that Buddest guy, what is his name, Dolly the Lamba, or whatever?

                Well, that was more than I could take. I shouted, "He is no Christian. We are a Christian Nation. These are Christian cities!"

                You could have heard a pin drop. The Dolly guy just stood there. Two young guys came to me and said, "Follow us, please, Mr. Mayor."

                I thought they were taking me to out for a phone call. Instead, they brought me to the Conference Manager. The Manager reassigned me to a new Committee Chair, the "Traffic Signage in Small Rural Cities Design Committee." Well, there are a lot of Mayors, but not many Committee Chair slots. I have one of them.

                The Committee's meetings seem always to be scheduled during the big General Sessions so I can't say for certain what kind of opening prayers they have now.

                But, my guess is they are Christian prayers. All because I spoke up.
                Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

