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  • BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

    It's true that most video games out there promote some kind of atheist/homosexual/Obamunist agenda. Whether it's the Super Mario games turning kids into junior queers, or Oblivion spreading witchcraft and Satan worship, video games are a real menace and should be against the law, to protect families and decent Christian society.

    But, I stumbled upon a game that is explicitly about Christianity. It is called Bible Fight.

    YEA! Take that, Satan!

    You can pick between several characters to do a hand-to-hand brawl. You can pick a righteous man like Noah or Moses and fight against that harlot Eve or the Devil himself. Choose a location such as Heaven, Hell, Noah's Ark, the Garden of Eden, and more. It's a great way to hone your hand-eye co-ordination and kill some minutes, while doing something that is educational and Christian. The video game industry could learn alot from Bible Fight. It's action-packed fun for the whole family!

    Click here to play the game.

    Watch the #1 Televangelist Gospel Hour in the World! "Turn or Burn: Accept Christ or Go to Hell with Rev. Jim Osborne." Check your local cable listings.

  • #2
    Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

    Dear friend,

    I have many concerns about this game.

    I tried playing it and what it does is promote anal sex and making the holy characters look SATANIC and VIOLENT!

    First of all, it requires the player to rapidly PRESS his keyboard! At first he does it slowly, but as the game progresses he presses it faster from all kinds of special positions until he wins the game - and then the character is happy!

    In other terms, the game is simulating sex with the keyboard until the character is brought to an orgasm!!

    Also, I do not want my children to think that people from the bible spent their days by just punching each others' guts- They were holy reasonable people with no pointlessley cruel intentions!

    This game is rated for aduls. Dirty, slutty atheists pig adults.


    • #3
      Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

      If I lose against Satan in the game, do I need to pray for forgiveness in real life? Or does GOD automatically win whenever you pick HIM as a character? I'm not too hip on these on-line game things, but I gave this link to my son and allowed him access to the computer only for that game, and he's been giggling and playing all day!
      Member of Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 (NOT the Heretical Council of 1912!)


      • #4
        Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

        I think I made Jesus lose. There must be something wrong with this game.
        May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


        • #5
          Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

          Originally posted by TheAmigo View Post
          Dear friend,

          I have many concerns about this game.

          I tried playing it and what it does is promote anal sex and making the holy characters look SATANIC and VIOLENT!
          Are you suggesting that Satan is not Satanic, and that God, who drowned everyone on Earth except Noah and pals (men, women, children, the pre-born, bunnies, chickens, ants, and even most plants were brutally executed) because they were wicked is not violent?
          Bible boring? Nonsense!
          Try Bible in a Year with Brother V, or join Shirlee and the kids as they discuss Real Bible Stories!
          You can't be a Christian if you don't know God's Word!


          • #6
            Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

            This game is way better then portal 2.
            -The Parable of the white laundry and the black man
            -Scientific proof that GAY SEX IS UNHYGIENIC!
            -Holocaust Jokes
            -Diarrhea: The Va​ginal Lubrication of the Homosexuals
            -Anne Frank vs. Adolf Hitler: Who was the worse person?
            -10 Reasons why GOD HATES FRANCE!
            -5 Reasons why GOD HATES LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!
            -Today I am declaring War against Woman's Rights!


            • #7
              Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

              Decent game for the family? It has violence and makes fun of the bible.

              I personally don't find anything wrong with this game, but how is this game any better than the ones you guys constantly hate on?


              • #8
                Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                Originally posted by Serpent View Post
                Decent game for the family? It has violence and makes fun of the bible.

                I personally don't find anything wrong with this game, but how is this game any better than the ones you guys constantly hate on?
                It mentions them I'm guessing.
                ... Or else you're fired!


                • #9
                  Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                  Well, it looks like those True Christian™ kids who were praying for something holy since we disapproved of Mortal Kombat got their answer to prayer.


                  Now there isn't any excuse out there to Play satanic games such as Portal 2 when we have Godly alternatives.

                  Well done, Reverend!
                  Isaiah 12:21 (KJV) -- Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers

                  Ezekiel 9:6 (KJV) -- Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women


                  • #10
                    Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                    I question your logic. Care to explain?
                    I do not intend to offend anyone, I simply wish to have an intelligent conversation.


                    • #11
                      Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                      Anyone who plays video games is by definition a rectum-lover


                      • #12
                        Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                        after watching the footage of the game I can see how ignorent you are in what defines a game to be good. in fact i actually feel very SORRY for you. as this game could be a prime canidate for a virus or Malware. simply loading it could damage your computer. so may i direct you a game that has stood out from the rest. a game called Rocket Leauge



                        • #13
                          Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                          Originally posted by Clayton View Post
                          after watching the footage of the game I can see how ignorent you are in what defines a game to be good. in fact i actually feel very SORRY for you. as this game could be a prime canidate for a virus or Malware. simply loading it could damage your computer. so may i direct you a game that has stood out from the rest. a game called Rocket Leauge

                          I'll pass. Rocket League sounds like a round earth propaganda.
                          God is about as real as unicorns and dragons.
                          Revelation 12:9
                          Job 39:9


                          • #14
                            Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                            Originally posted by AnalyzingLutheran View Post
                            I question your logic. Care to explain?
                            And whom are you talking to, dear?
                            God created fossils to test our faith.

                            * * *

                            My favorite LBC sermons:
                            True Christians are Perfect!
                            True Christian™ Love.
                            Salvation™ made Easy!
                            You can’t be a Christian if you don’t believe the Old Testament.
                            Jesus is impolite. Deal with it.
                            Jesus is xenophobic and so should we.
                            Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept.
                            Biblical view on modern-day slavery.
                            The Immorality of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
                            Geneva Conventions vs. The Holy Bible.
                            God HATES Rational Thinking!
                            True Christian™ Man as a spitting image of God.


                            • #15
                              Re: BIBLE FIGHT: a Decent Christian Video Game for the Family!

                              Originally posted by Clayton View Post
                              after watching the footage of the game I can see how ignorent you are in what defines a game to be good. in fact i actually feel very SORRY for you. as this game could be a prime canidate for a virus or Malware. simply loading it could damage your computer. so may i direct you a game that has stood out from the rest. a game called Rocket Leauge

                              Rocket "league?" You know, I remember another 'league' that wanted to take someone places, from Mark 5:9 , and look how that turned out. Don't lie, it's a sin. You either didn't see footage of the game or you are lying, the game can't have malware or viruses, it's GODly. That means that the hand of GOD is working through this game, working to convert the unbelievers, to bring joy to those who believe and terror to those who do not, so that they understand HIS glory.

                              My oldest son plays video games, and though he plays them on my lap so that I can guide him toward righteous play, I admit that we have both been quite excited while playing this game, fighting the devil is always worthwhile father-son bonding time. The other day we even had to change our clothes, we got so excited that we sweat through our deodorant! That's what good content will do, it excites for thoroughly wholesome reasons, and leaves us feeling drained of our sin and stuffed full with the purity of the spirit.
                              Dr. Henry Poppendorfer's True Christian™ Male Pediatric Health Clinic
                              Proudly inspecting and servicing the next generation of GOD-fearing spiritual warriors for JESUS for over two decades! We follow the LORD in the spirit of Mark 10:13 and know it is HIS hand guiding ours! Your son will be raptured good & hard, we guarantee it!

